LabVIEW-based RTSP over TCP, RTP methods: DESCRIBE, PLAY, OPTIONS, TEARDOWN, SETUP. Other methods can be developed in similar fashion and other stream types can be saved. Complex interfaces with over the net control can be developed, RTP messages can be send to control remote devices (PTZ, focus, firmware updates, device health-monitor...)
Tested with following IP cameras:
Constants for the following cameras provided as:
Sanyo HD cameras: VideoInput/1/h264/1 (up to 4 streams available)
Axis cameras stream: axis-media/media.amp?videocodec=h264
Arecont camera stream: h264.sdp?
Note: names above are defaults names, user can modify them. Correct name can be extracted from DESCRIBE method reply.
Warning: no anonymous access
Real Time Streaming Protocol from Wikipedia.
H264 file can be re-encoded to any format by VLC, Gstreamer or Live555.
Can be saved to ts.file with proper formatting (might add later)
Frames can be viewed with ffmpeg (might add later)
By writing to the file with every RTP payload further improvement can be achieved...
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
Requirements to Run
Can be down converted as low as LabVIEW 8.5 (For-loop conditional terminal). With re-programming around "conditional terminal" can be pushed lower...
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
Hi GriffinRU,
i also want the same thing but for another IP Camera (dahua IPC-HDW2100). I had downloaded your program and put my RTSP address but it is not working. But the RTSP is working with vlc.
plz help me to find required commands to tcp in labview.
I do not have such a camera on-hand, but with manual or web search you should be able to tweak my example to work with your camera.
I can help you, but I need access to your camera. You can provide link and credentials over PM or here.
Thanks for replay.
I had read about RTSP in this link "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_Time_Streaming_Protocol". And they are saying about protocol directive which if you send to server it will respond with some information.
My doubt is how we can send and recieve these directives( i require a basic solution because i am just a biginner in networking and protocols). I ran simple labview program to communicate to labview it is showing time out error.
Looks like you are missing CR and LF as line terminators and double termination at the end of request...
Any success?
Hi, GriffinRU!
Could you, please, explain, how could I display H.264 video, acquired with this solution, in LabVIEW?
Thank you!
And I mean in realtime!
You need to re-construct H264 datagrams...
I do no see any reason to do that in LabVIEW directly but you can try.
There are 3rd party solutions like DShow, VLC, GStreamer, QT, FFMPEG and probably more where you can pass packets and receive image.
Idea here was to capture raw data and post process later.
You see, what I need to do, is to capture a stream from camera, add some informational layers (like timestamp, zoom level, etc) and display the result in a LabVIEW app.
I used to work with a camera that provided MJPEG stream via simple HTTP request, and that was simple. But now we have another camera, that only has a H.264 RTSP stream which I can capture and save, thanks to your code, but have no idea how to display. So I'd really appreciate if you could shed some more light on how to display that video stream.
Can you share camera brand and type? I haven't seen a camera yet without jpeg stream...
You will get timestamp from RTSP stream but not sure about other camera properties/parameters. Some camera brands place this info into jpeg footer some not. With RTSP stream you will be limited to parameters coming from DESCRIBE request only and datagram timestamps.To get more you need to check camera documentation and get parameters over HTTP requests, like you done before. And, once you get this parameters, you can overlay them anyway you like in your LabVIEW app, even over 3rd party indicators.
P.S. You can open multiple sessions to the same camera...
By "informational layers" I meant "informational graphic layers" i.e. text and geometrical shapes. So, basically, I nedd to to draw some stuff on a video frame )
That camera I've mentioned is actually a network video server. (this one). It's supposed to have a MJPEG stream, but it's firmware is pretty broken, so it won't work. Manufacturer's techsupport was unable to help.
Soooo... we're down to two options now - to use H.264 stream, which is working properly, or to buy another video server. The latter, obviously, is the correct way to do things, but, unfortunately, it'll require a lot of additional paper and designer work.
And therefore!
I need to somehow decode H.264 compressed frames to a LabVIEW-friendly format.
Ok, I will check what I can do.
Meanwhile looks like your server is ONVIF complaint, so check ONVIF Streaming Specs on how to retrieve information and jpeg.
I will do that. Thank you!
Итак, перед тем как я пойду рулить с avcodec_decode_video хотелось бы все-таки уточнить, что необходимо получить в конце?
У нас имеется rtsp стрим.
Что с него взять:
Что нужно:
Сохранить поток в формате (h264) можно с представленным примером.
Собрать дополнительные данные об источнике необходимо из докуметации ONVIF.
Я думаю, что получив картинку из H264 стрима вы потратите значительное время в LabVIEW для наложения 2-3 строк текста информации и в лучшем случае удастся получить 5 к/с.
Почему бы вам ни сохранить стрим в h264, а затем проиграть его в VLC с overlay того что вам необходимо, с задержкой скажем в 100-200мс,
Дело в том, что в LabVIEW приложении реализовано управление набором различных устройств, и в т.ч. камерой, которая должна наблюдать за экспериментом. Поэтому видеокадры мне необходимо в первую очередь максимально оперативно отображать на экране, а потом уже сохранять на диск. Поэтому, к сожалению, вариант с VLC не подходит.
Всю дополнительную информацию для отображения я беру из внешних источников (PTZ от самой камеры, заранее созданные картинки с масштабными сетками и т.п.), поэтому по сути, от видеосервера нужен только видеопоток.
Вобщем, если кратко, то мне представляется такая последовательность:
1. Стартую свое приложение LW
2. С помощью вашего решения шлю RTSP запрос к видеосерверу.
3. Получаю от него видеопоток.
4. Каждый полученный кадр (если хватит производительности) декодирую в знакомы LW формат.
5. Средствами LW накладываю на этот кадр нужную мне информацию.
6. Отображаю этот измененный кадр средствами LW.
7. GOTO 4.
Спасибо, что тратите свое время, Артур.
Если что, я смогу сам подцепить к LW DLL'ки от ffmpeg, но т.к. прежде мне с ним работать не доводилось, то я уму не приложу какой там должен быть порядок действий и какие функции меня должны интересовать.
Снова спасибо )
ВНЕЗАПНО мне удалось вытащить MJPEG поток с камеры.
Во время последней отчаянной попытки выбрать из сервера хоть что-нибудь еще, я просканировал его порты и обнаружил, что помимо 554, по которому я получаю H.264 поток, у него открыт еще и 1554. С этим портом прежний RTSP запрос успешно стартует нужный поток.
Поэтому теперь моя задача, судя по всему, сменилась, и теперь мне нужно по аналогии с вашим разбором H.264 NAL unit написать парсинг для payload типа 26.
Я правильно понимаю, что мне для этого нужен вот этот документ?
Я уж собрался с вами FFMPEG замочить в LabVIEW , а тут так подфортило вам...
Насчет прицепленного документа, надо посмотреть документацию и на ответ сервера, там явно будет указано по какому стандарту упакован MJPEG, другими словами говоря - вы на правильном пути, но 100% гарантии дать ни могу без предварительного просмотра пакета.
P.S. По поводу FFMPEG , если будет желание, то начинать надо с закачки development архива и работать с примером encoding/decoding и гуглить avcodec_decode_video2...
Но скорее всего лучше весь процесс от соединения с камерой до прокрутки кадров в FFMPEG, а потом попробовать качать данные из LabVIEW.
Я вас понял, Артур. Еще раз спасибо за потраченное время и данное решение, мне все это здорово помогло.
Кстати, насчет того, чтобы весь процесс поединения и получения кадров вынести в ffmpeg. Я, пока на это вот ваше решение не наткнулся, планировал для этих целей openCV использовать. Но очень уж не хотелось ради одного кривого видеосервера во всем этом разбираться.
Вобщем, буду пробовать писать разбор JPEG over RTP. Если интересно, потом выложу результат.
Check this one:
It can be optimized alot, but simple from LabVIEW stand-point, I might re-write it over the week-end
And, yes, any success on JPEG parsing would be great asset for this post.
Ok, so I've come up with a working version of MJPEG over RTP via LabVIEW.
Should I create a new post, or upload it somewhere and post description here?
It is up to you, but I think it would make sense for you to create your own post and crosslink the together.
Here it is.
Thank you,
I spent some time with FFMPEG and if you would like i can share some vi's for ffmpeg.exe and ffplay.exe over process + pipes.
Programming over .dll requires alot, but possible as well, I can share startup vi's.
Hello Griffin.
I noticed that your .vi does not include the audio track. How difficult would it be to include the audio track to the H.264 binary file so that the VLC media player could run the AV file.
It would require to parse audio packets and interleave them with video payloads.
Adding example on how to do that, might take some time.
If it's possible, I would like to see an example on how to interleave the audio packet with the video. I'm using a Vivotek FD8151V and I need to stream both video and audio to file. I appreciate your help!
If possible I would like to see an example of how to interleave audio and video. I'm using a Vivotek FD8151V and I would like to understand how to stream this cameras H.264 video and audio to file using LabVIEW! I appreciate your help!
Sent from my iPhone
As I said, it might take some time, I plan to get back to my computer in January...
If you need sooner, I would suggest save to file audio stream only first, as wav-file.
Ok, I understand.
I will be looking forward to more of your posts.
I used your RTP_RTSP vi with success. It is working smoothly with IP camera ENEO with FULL HD 30 frames/s. I have no much experience in programming because I am specialized on low noise analog front-end sensor amplifiers.
What I need. I would like to view Video from camera. I would like to add Text to this video in real time ( data measured and processed with LabView ), then the Video with overlayed Text should be saved. Have you idea how to solve this problem.
Have a nice day
I don't think it is possible in LabVIEW to decode H264 packets into Bitmaps while text/image stamping at full HD rate.
I would suggest to do that afterwards with 3rd party tools like VLC, FFMPEG, Gstreamer or such.
H264 decoding and encoding is complex enough and CPU hungry, while LabVIEW is not efficient in large data memory handling, using 3rd party to do heavy lifting is Ok, but transferring every frame back and force would kill your performance. What you can do in LabVIEW is get H264 stream pass it to 3rd party program and once in a while request single frame (at 1-5 fps) add overlay elements and display as intermediate on the screen.
Hello Artur,
Thank you very much. I will develop my project in way you proposed.
hi griffin.
your code is very impressive for me, and i tried to work for streaming ip camera immedietly with ffmpeg several days, but it's not work.
if you have some code or hint, plz show me(if you can).
also i already read all about of ffmpeg and rtsp post in ni.com community.
Intergration rtsp and ffmpeg is very hard to me. thanx
ps. sorry for rudeness... im bad at english so .. plz understand my weird english
Well, show me what you have done or tried so far with ffmpeg, so I can provide help accordingly. I haven't read any ffmpeg threads at ni.com (provide links if you have) but there are multiple ways to integrate ffmpeg into LabVIEW.
hi. thank you for reply.
I found a post about ffmpeg and link is here . you can download ffmpeg reader here
ffmpeg reader need 64bit system and provide a recorded file playback.
and here is the my work(and im still working)
first, i focus on string data, so i tried to string data to image for labview.
of course, that's not work because of codec. so im trying to integrae your code and ffmpeg reader.
but, im very newbie in codec and mpeg, so i need your help
thank you for reading. Arthur!
you are my only hope i think. haha : )
this is the best rtsp code i have ever seen in ni community.
very great perfomance and stable cpu using.
I think, I will create another thread and step-by-step show how to work with ffmpeg.
Thank you for your feedback.
That's great.
Now I'm trying to work with Opencv's ffmpeg.dll.
Maybe this library will be helpful.
thank you so much.
Sorry for delay,
I will publish examples later this week in new thread:
Great work. Have you ever run into Digest Realm authentication issues while using DESCRIBE method?
Thanks for the answer in advance
Thank you,
I haven't, just showed how it can be done. Now to get over this road block you shoud probably explore "https" examples and use LabVIEW functions to encrypt credentials.
Thank you very much. I have looked through the HTTP examples. All those examples use "GET" method to get the nounce. But, RFC 2326 that ONVIF specification refers to, only has the following public methods: OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, PLAY, PAUSE, SET_PARAMETER. Computing the nounce value using either GET or DESCRIBE didn't help much. However, after going through the following link
I'm not sure if I have to keep the connection open and programatically compute the nounce for step 3
I will take a look late this weekend, not ready at this point.
But take closer look at "https" not "http" examples and just "google" around.
Thank you very much
Hi Karthik,
It end up pretty busy weekend, sorry no LabVIEW examples.
Looks like you are on the correct track with your link to stackoverflow, try it and if something won't be clear let me know.
I was sending you to "https" route which wasn't exactly what you were looking for, but from security stand points, it is the prefered method (from wiki) over Digest Realm.
Hi Artur,
Thanks for taking time to look through. No worries about the examples; I'll keep trying and post if I find anything interesting
First, thank you for the examples that have work perfectly for getting a stream of Sony block camera with Atomas mini. I am working on a project that requires me to have a RT text overlay on the video stream. From my understanding, it is best to use the LabVIEW IMAQ format, but am at dead end with changing for N264 Naval string to an IMAQ. I have limited understanding with video steams a push in the right direction would be much apricated.
hi Griffin is it possible to stream using sjcam sj4000, my ip is
it is well working with vlc player. can u pls help me out..
Hi my name is Christian, i have the data stream in h264 format from my ip camera, but i don't know decode this frames to image jpg, i need help about this, thanks
You do not want to do H.264 encoding in LabVIEW, EVER! It is very complex to program and therefore a lot of work to do, and LabVIEW simply doesn't lend itself for lots of low level bit twiddling with extremely high throughput.
It's not impossible but simply not economical to try that. Such a solution would require many man months if not years of development work by highly skilled programmers for something that has been already solved numerous times in various C(++) libraries, and with much more experienced programmers who know exactly how to squeeze out more performance from the various CPU architectures out there. But to do that you need low level control of the CPU (including possibly assembly coding) and that is simply not an option in a high level language like LabVIEW.
As an extra complication for H.264 there is a licensing requirement. As developer of such code you may be held responsible to make sure users of your code follow these license requirements. That is a possible liability that not everyone is willing to take.