Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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Problem with PCI-4065

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Good day

 Install the version multimeters dmm 3.0.6f1 and when I install PCI-4060 and PCI-4065, max (measurement & automation explorer) detect PCI-4060, but PCI-4065 not, before this failure had not

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Message 1 of 8

Buen dia


Estuve leyendo sobre el error que tengo, MAX no reconoce los multimetros PCI-4065, los mult PCI-4060 si los reconoce, esto empezo cuando actualize el driver ni dmm a la ultima version (3.0.6 f1) en windows XP, lo que lei fue que el driver tenia un update para que sea compatible con windows XP a lo cual tambien lo instale pero en max no reconoce las tarjetas (PCI-4065) y al tratar de calibrarlas con calibration executive 3.2.1 no las encuentra, favor de indicarme si tengo que instalar una version anterior...gracias


P.D.- anexo fotos de la version en Max Y del error en calibration executive

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Message 2 of 8



Have you checked the PCI-4065 in Device Manager? (Right-click on My Computer, select Properties, then the Hardware tab, then click Device Manager. Does the PCI-4065 show up there? Does its icon have an exclamation point?


What will often happen during an upgrade of a device driver is that it needs to be explicitly re-linked to devices it uses. This is especially true if you access the machine via Remote Desktop. Assuming that it shows up with an exclamation point, try right-clicking on the PCI-4065, selecting Properties, then Update Driver, and follow the prompts.


Please let us know if this solves your issue, or if more investigation is required. The PCI-4065 should work in 3.0.6.


Thank you,

Principal Software Engineer
Driver Software
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 8

Que tal Tobias


Hice lo que comentas y no soluciono el problema, mira tengo windows XP, Measurement & Automation Explorer 5.4 y NI-DMM 3.0.6 F1 y MAX no detecta las tarjetas PCI-4065, en Device Manager selecciono PCI-4065, clic derecho Properties y en el tab General en Location me pone PCI Slot 3 (PCI bus 4, device 2, function 0) Device Manager si la detecta bien pero en max en devices and interfaces no aparecen...tendre que devolverme a la version que tenia del driver (ni-dmm 2.9)?


Nota: quiero subir un Attachment de power point con las imagenes de la falla y la pag no deja, puedes enviarme un correo para mandarte la imagenes?

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Message 4 of 8

I don't think the forum allows powerpoint uploads, but you can insert images just fine. Please upload any images you find pertinent as images instead of in a Powerpoint. Definitely include an image of Device Manager.


A number of questions:


Did you reboot after upgrading the driver? Are you accessing it via Remote Desktop?


Also, please upload a MAX technical report.


Where are you looking in MAX? Depending on what you upgraded from, newer MAX versions have DAQmx devices and Traditional DAQ devices under different areas in Devices and Interfaces. Have you expanded all of your folders in Devices and Interfaces?


The PCI-4065 is considered a DAQmx device, while the PCI-4060 is considered Traditional DAQ.


What version of the driver did you have installed before? Did you install using a regular account or a Guest account?


One additional thing to note is that the original 3.0.6 has a bug which broke 4060 support (see the known issues list, item 374547). That is fixed in the 3.0.6f1 patch, which it sounds like you installed but I wanted to point that out, just in case.




No creo que los foros permiten subir Powerpoints, pero puedes insertar imágenes sin problemas. Por favor sube tantas imágenes como consideres pertinente en lugar de subirlas como Powerpoint.

Algunas preguntas:
¿Reiniciaste la computadora después de actualizar el driver? ¿Estás utilizando el driver mediante Remote Desktop?

También, por favor, sube el MAX Technical Report.

¿Qué estás viendo en MAX? Dependiendo de la versión de la que actualizaste las nuevas versiones de MAX tienen DAQmx devices y Traditional DAQ devices bajo diferentes áreas en Devices and Interfaces. ¿Ya expandiste todas las carpetas en Devices and Interfaces?

El PCI-4065 es considerado un dispositivo DAQmx, mientras que el PCI-4060 es considerado Traditional DAQ.

¿Qué versión del driver tenías antes? ¿Instalaste como un usuario regular o utilizando la cuenta de invitado de Windows?

Una cosa más que notar es que en la versión original de 3.0.6 había un bug que rompió el soporte del 4060 (ve la lista de problemas conocidos, ítem 374547) que fue resuelto en el parche 3.0.6f1, que suena como que lo tienes instalado pero quería mencionarlo por si acaso.

Principal Software Engineer
Driver Software
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Hi Tobias...


Did you reboot after upgrading the driver? Are you accessing it via Remote Desktop?

Si reset a la computadora, no estoy accesando via Remote


Where are you looking in MAX? Depending on what you upgraded from, newer MAX versions have DAQmx devices and Traditional DAQ devices under different areas in Devices and Interfaces. Have you expanded all of your folders in Devices and Interfaces?



What version of the driver did you have installed before? Did you install using a regular account or a Guest account?

ni dmm 2.3.1 , guest account


One additional thing to note is that the original 3.0.6 has a bug which broke 4060 support (see the known issues list, item 374547). That is fixed in the 3.0.6f1 patch, which it sounds like you installed but I wanted to point that out, just in case.

En efecto, si tengo instalado el Patch (3.0.6 f1)


Tengo instalado NI-DAQmx 9.6.2 y vi que hay una version mas nueva NI-DAQ 9.7.0, la estoy bajando para instalarla y veo si se corrige el problema



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Message 6 of 8



Thanks for the information.


Have you tried removing the two cards from your computer and then reinstalling them?  You could also try switching which slot each card is in.  Do you have any open PCI slots that you can try the cards in? 


Having a screenshot of Windows Device Manager would be helpful in troubleshooting your issue.  Also, attaching a MAX Technical Report would be very helpful.  This article describes how to generate one.  


Let us know how it goes!


Jared R.
Precision DC Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 7 of 8
Accepted by topic author

Thomas , Jared thank`s for your`s support!!!


Ya corregi el problema...lo que realize fue que baje la ultima version de NI DAQ (NI DAQ 9.7.0) la instale, reset la computadora y al iniciar abri MAX  y ya detecta las tarjetas PCI-4065...



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Message 8 of 8