Digital I/O

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memory device chip select

hi all,

I need your help here.

actually i am planning to write a code in labview for the purpose of memory read write for an IC.

here i need to test the memory device for different perameters like read/write, timing perameters(rise and fall).

also here how can i select a chip(i.e. chip select), chip enable/disable, BHE/BLE how can i do these operations in labview and which hardware i need to use for this. please suggest me my dead line is very near.

thanks in advance.

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Message 1 of 3

All manufacturers have detailed datasheets on their devices, and it should be no problem to get a data sheet for a certain device. Besides the manufacturers' web sites, there are many other sources for data sheets.


The data sheets always show detailed timing diagrams for the control signals. Except for dynamic RAMs, usually using longer time intervals between control signals does not cause any problems.


I am not familiar with LabView. But I think you can do the hardware setup with a digital I/O device with sufficient number of I/O lines to connect all relevant signals of the IC in question will do the job.


You did not mention which type of memory ICs you are going to use. In case you use EPROMs, some of the older types need an additional programming voltage (mostly 12VDC) on a certain pin. All other memory devices will run on +5VDC (or +3.3VDC, depending on the manufacturer's nominal power supply rating).

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Message 2 of 3

supply is max 5V.

i want to measure the DC char.

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Message 3 of 3