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Serial data using single buffer pattern external clock

I am trying to retrive byte words from the piBuffer in the example. However the data in each elelment of the array doesnt match the serial data that i am inputting. I am only using a single port and single line for my serial data. The NIDAQ PLotWaveform function displays the correct data bits, but i cannot get these out of the piBuffer array ? ?
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Message 1 of 3

You can see the code for the NIDAQPlotWaveform function in the nidaqex.c file. If you are using LabWindows/CVI, a nice way to get directly to it, is to highlight the function name, right-click, and then choose Go To Definition. There, you can see how the NIDAQPlotWaveform is retrieving the data, and compare that to your method. Also, note the data types used there.

If you are still having trouble, it would be helpful to know what data you are expecting, and what you are receiving. What programming environment are you working with? Also, verify whether you are acquiring from one or two ports (as you mentioned a single port and a single line). As it sounds like you are using a board in the 653x family, do specify which one you are using.


Geneva L.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3
I am using c++, so the Plot Waveform only shows the first 25 data points. I am interested in the binary data that is acquired from a single line of a single port. I am using the DAQCard 6533.
At the moment i am splitting the i16 (short) data that is returned in the piBuffer, and manually extracting the bit that i need. I thought there may have been a NiDaq function that could do this for me ?
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Message 3 of 3