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Can I take the CLD at NIWeek if my CLAD expires August 3rd?

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I took the CLAD at NIWeek 2011 and am now looking to take the CLD. However, my CLAD expires August 3rd, before NIWeek begins. I have two questions:


1. If I register for a CLD at NIWeek, does my CLAD still hold even though it expires the 3rd?

2. If not, can I take the CLAD at NIWeek and, assuming I pass, take the CLD that same week?


It's still cheaper to take both exams at NIWeek then to take the CLD beforehand, but not by much.


Thank you,


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

My understanding is that you have to have a current CLAD to take the CLD.  So, on paper, the answer is no.  But get with your local NI rep and have them talk to your training and certification person.  They might be able to pull some strings for you.

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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author lukepike

Please do send the request to certification@ni.com. 


Sometimes issues come up regarding travel and such, and accommodations are certainly made.  Our goal is to facilitate certification and to be reasonable for all advanced requests alerting us to the issues.  For some customers we do not have testing facilities that are close by, and plans are made in advance to accommodate these situations.


Good luck, be sure to use the preparation materials such as the sample exam, the forum, and the CLD preparation web cast.  



Mark Ramsdale
Program Manager & CLA
Global Demo and Equipment at National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Thank you both, I will certainly contact NI about it.


Thank you agin,


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Message 4 of 4