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That's SIR Lynn to you!

I also want to join in and thank you for your dedication in sharing knowledge to all of us. Please keep up the good work!



CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
Message 11 of 43

Congrats Lynn. Thanks for all your contributions. Smiley Happy


LabVIEW versions 5.0 - 2023

“All programmers are optimists”
― Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
Message 12 of 43

Congratulations !

Message 13 of 43

Wow congats indeed.  A knight does not happen very often.

Message 14 of 43

That makes me dream    Smiley Surprised  ... congratulations and great respect !

Message 15 of 43

Congrats SIr (Mr.) Lynn 🙂



"It’s the questions that drive us.”
Message 16 of 43

Congratulations and Thank you for your contributions Lynn.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
Message 17 of 43



G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
Message 18 of 43

Well deserved SIR Lynn! 


Read you 😉


Greetings from Germany

LV since v3.1

“ground” is a convenient fantasy

'˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'

Message 19 of 43

FIrst, thank you for the kind words.


I have not been ignoring this thread. My wife has been having some health problems, keeping me busy as her full time caregiver. So I wanted to wait until I had enough time to put together a thoughtful response.


As you all know it only requires persistence and some longevity to reach this threshold. Apparently I manage to avoid making too many mistakes and someone usually corrects them quickly when I do. Much credit for any successes I have had with LV and on the Forums goes to those who have preceeded me. Those who reached Knighthood before me have contributed much to what I know. And many of you who are following closely on my heels help also by pushing.  So thanks, especially to the other Knights, and to those who have not yet had as many opportunities to post.


I enjoy sharing what I have learned and continue to learn both by reading your posts and by trying to explain clearly when answering the questions of those new to LV. And by being corrected when I make a mistake.




Using LV since 1.2 on the Mac

Message 20 of 43