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Ok, here

LabVIEW 2012

Message 41 of 48

@Steve Chandler wrote:

Ok, here

Magical 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 42 of 48

I'm glad you posted this!
So I'm not the only one with the starenge addiction to writing emulators in LabVIEW.


Check out my Commodore C64 written in LV:




Message 43 of 48

I saw that but only after writing the Apple][ emulator. I wanted to keep it secret until the Apple]['s 35th anniversary but tst almost figured it out in reply #17 of this thread. I will take a look at how you did it later. I will also post the code for this in case someone wants to finish it.


There is no sound yet and that might be difficult. The way sound works on the Apple][ is that accessing a specific memory location toggles a flip-flop that is connected to the speaker. This means that timing is critical since tones are created in software timed loops. The emulator runs much faster than the 1MHz Apple][ and getting it to run at that exact frequency without crazy jitter is not really possible.


Also writing to virtual disks does not work yet. Did you ever emulate the Commodore disk drive?


Another thing that doesn't work yet is the expansion RAM. The Apple bank switches the upper memory between RAM and ROM to get 64K of RAM. Some software requires that such as Copy II Plus.


And graphics are not done yet. Only text mode works right now. It won't be too difficult to add that except for high resolution mode. The way they did color was kind of strange. The color of the pixels depends on the pixels around them.


I could make the 6502 go much faster. I tried to keep the number of cycles the same as a real 6502. There are a few indexed addressing modes and branches where the number of cycles can vary. If I just execute the whole opcode in one state then it should be about five times faster.


If I ever get around to doing a 68000 emulator I will definately do it that way. I want to emulate an original "Fat Mac" which ran at 10MHz and see if I can get LabVIEW 1.0 to run on it. Is it even possible to get a copy of LabVIEW 1.0 anymore?


LabVIEW 2012

0 Kudos
Message 44 of 48

Steve Chandler wrote: I want to emulate an original "Fat Mac" which ran at 10MHz and see if I can get LabVIEW 1.0 to run on it.

That's just a whole another level of reentrancy.

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Message 45 of 48

@crossrulz wrote:

Steve Chandler wrote: I want to emulate an original "Fat Mac" which ran at 10MHz and see if I can get LabVIEW 1.0 to run on it.

That's just a whole another level of reentrancy.

Especially if I could get the emulator to run on LabVIEW 1.0 Smiley Very Happy

LabVIEW 2012

0 Kudos
Message 46 of 48

@crossrulz wrote:

Steve Chandler wrote: I want to emulate an original "Fat Mac" which ran at 10MHz and see if I can get LabVIEW 1.0 to run on it.

That's just a whole another level of reentrancy.

Sortof like this: (Life on Life).

0 Kudos
Message 47 of 48

@Ben wrote:

@Steve Chandler wrote:

You know... At the risk of sounding like the Magic 8-Ball I cannot say how ironic it is that this should come up in the Eureka thread.


I missed the irony. Can you give me a hint?




The hint is in G502.lvlib:Get Instruction

LabVIEW 2012

0 Kudos
Message 48 of 48