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Annual bug thread for 2020

Error -1074396006 "Unknown codec" when creating multiple videos with a system codec

CAR #1077282.


First video created successfully, second video fails with an error -1074396006 Unknown codec. The error occurs only at first run after LabVIEW launch.

With VDM 2018 SP1 this issue was reproducible after almost every LabVIEW launch. Since VDM 2019 it still happens, but quite rarely.



Call IMAQ AVI2 Get Codec Names VI before calling IMAQ AVI2 Create VIs.

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 28

AVI file size is still limited to 2 GB for all system codecs

Still no response to SR.


In VDM 2019 this issue was reported to be fixed (archived) under CAR #428570, but it's not really fixed properly and uninitiated testers blamed codecs for that.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 28

Terrible performance of VPx codecs, especially at high resolutions

Bug #1085585.


New VPx codecs added in VDM 2019 take way too much time to compress single frame.

The difference between low and high resolution images for VP9 codec is especially ridiculous, while VP8 simply performs terribly even for small images.


I'm aware that they are quite heavy in general, but nevertheless they have presets which VDM doesn't expose.

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Message 23 of 28

Multiple bugs in AVI Codec Comparison example

CAR #1084594.


  1. In a Results table:
    1. Codec column contains filtered codec names used for file creation instead of actual codec names as returned by IMAQ AVI2 Get Codec Names VI;
    2. Avg Write Time (ms) column contains frame write times expressed in seconds;
    3. File Size (KB) column contains AVI file sizes expressed in kB (base 10 unit as defined by SI) instead of base 2 customary historical unit.
      KB has traditionally been used as a convenient way to refer to 1024 (210) bytes and this definition is still prevalent in software world;
  2. Example fails with an error -1074395992 File access denied, if codec name contains one of OS-restricted characters.
    I understand that it's just an example and doesn't account for everything, but it already has name filtering in place and could easily filter all restricted characters.

Fixed version is attached to the thread.

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Message 24 of 28

Vision Assistant shows incorrect pattern matching results for some images

Bug #1085591.


For some images pattern matching results in edit mode are different from preview mode. Edit mode shows correct matches.

End of Vision Development Module


0 Kudos
Message 25 of 28

Converting a map to an array produces corrupt output on certain RT targets. (details)

0 Kudos
Message 26 of 28

Didn't know this thread existed...

This bug caused a lot of grief. Would have been nice to know. Would have been even better if the well meaning support engineers knew of this bug! Had to abandon the ppl's in the end...

Please fix it. Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 27 of 28

Thread is now closed. Continued here.

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Message 28 of 28