07-15-2020 10:48 AM - edited 07-15-2020 10:52 AM
FP doesn't cover hidden window parts when window size doesn't change at runtime
Still no response to SR.
If the VI is configured to allow resizing, hidden items appear drawn in a window, but they're not functioning.
If the VI is configured to restrict resizing, hidden items are hidden properly, but there is a white space in place of them.
Enlarge FP window a bit in any direction, so that edit-time window size != runtime window size.
This bug is about panel size being less than a window and should expand.
I guess it would be better to investigate them together, but they are different issues (no idea why they were merged).
07-15-2020 11:11 AM
Get File Size returns error 5 for open AVI files (no exclusive mode support)
Still no response to SR.
Get File Size function returns error 5 File already open for any file opened in exclusive mode (and AVI in particular), but it should work just fine when implemented properly.
This problem also relates to Vision Development Module, but it can be fixed from both sides and it would be better to fix it in LabVIEW in general.
Call GetFileSize function directly from kernel32.dll through Call Library Function Node (see attached VI for an example).
End of LabVIEW
07-16-2020 03:26 AM
Not sure if bugs related to toolkits and modules should be posted here, but it looks like there is no specific thread for them, so here we go:
Application Builder
Use fast file format option causes application window to flicker at launch
Still no response to SR.
Application window flickers at launch in its edit-time position for applications built with Use fast file format option.
07-16-2020 03:46 AM
Application memory usage increases by ~44 MB without configuration file (which is twice as much for relatively small apps which don't process big amount of data at the same time)
Not accepted as a bug.
(you don't care, I've got it, but still...)
End of Application Builder
07-16-2020 04:05 AM
Vision Acquisition Software
IMAQdx Open Camera VI: No default value for Session In terminal (no thread created for this one)
Bug / CAR # is not yet received.
IMAQdx Open Camera VI returns error -1074360311 Camera Not Found if Session In terminal is unwired, however according to VI reference it should default to cam0.
07-16-2020 04:13 AM
Memory leak in NI Route Coordinator service with multiple USB 2.0 (DirectShow) cameras
CAR #1084580.
With 4+ cameras memory usage increases by a few hundred MB per day. The problem also appears with 2 cameras, but is much less noticeable.
Disable NI Route Coordinator service.
It will cause new devices to not be detected automatically, but they will still be detected on MAX / LabVIEW launch or enumerated programmatically.
End of Vision Acquisition Software
07-16-2020 04:30 AM
Vision Development Module
Pattern matching can lose some matches when used with some advanced options
Bug #1085588.
IMAQ Match Pattern 4 VI can lose some matches with an appropriate score when used with some advanced options (Max Pyramid Level, Match List Reduction Factor).
This bug is somewhat similar to CAR #718023 listed in Known VDM Issues (archived), but relates to Pattern Matching rather than Geometric Matching.
Change one of the following advanced options:
07-16-2020 04:41 AM
After removing vision info from image copy it also disappears from original image
CAR #118409.
Learning another template on an image copy will also remove template info from original image.
07-16-2020 04:48 AM
IMAQ Vision Info VIs have misleading and undocumented parameters
CAR #1077286.
According to IMAQ Is Vision Info Present 2 VI reference:
Grayscale Template (3): Checks if any grayscale pattern matching template information is associated with the image.
So it's expected that Present? will return True, but it actually returns False.
However, it returns True for Low Discrepancy Sampling template (only) and Vision Info typedef contains more values than VI reference.
So it looks like Grayscale Template actually means LD Sampling Template.
The same problems exist for IMAQ Remove Vision Info 2 VI.
07-16-2020 04:55 AM
Crash after writing a video with x264vfw codec and viewing it or using a clipboard
Bug / CAR # is not yet received.
With VDM 2018 SP1 this issue occurred even with a single video. Since VDM 2019 it occurs only with multiple videos.