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Transparent Main Panel?



Does anyone know if this is possible?  I'd ike to make an application that is transparent and runs on top of a 3rd party application.  I would plot data in my application over top of the other app.


Do-able or not?  I've looked around and don't see a way of doing it.





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Message 1 of 3

Hello Dave!


Unfortunately there isn't a direct way of making a LabWindows/CVI panel trasparent, by using a predefined panel attribute.


However, here is a workaround to make your panel transparent, using Win32 API:

  1. #include <windows.h> in your source code.
  2. Get the window handle (HWND) of the panel, using the ATTR_SYSTEM_WINDOW_HANDLE panel attribute:
    HWND hwnd;
    GetPanelAttribute (panelHandle, ATTR_SYSTEM_WINDOW_HANDLE, &hwnd);
  3. Configure windows layering: 
    SetWindowLong ((HWND)hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong((HWND)hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_LAYERED);
  4. Enable window transparency (see MSDN😞
    // Set the alpha for transparency: 0 is transparent and 255 is opaque.
    double transparency = 50; // Set transparency to 50%.
    double alpha = transparency * (255.0 / 100);
    SetLayeredWindowAttributes ((HWND)hwnd, 0, alpha, LWA_ALPHA);

Hope this helps!

- Johannes

Message 2 of 3

Hi Johannes,


That was exactly what I was looking for.  THANKS!


Just had to change HWND hwnd; to int HWND; in order to get the right variable type for GetPanelAttribute(), which works OK since it's cast to HWND below that.


Thanks again!



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Message 3 of 3