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Error code "-2146827284" when trying to open an Excel workbook using ActiveX

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Hi all,


i have a problem using ActiveX to open excel files. I get error code "-2146827284" (unknown error) when trying to open a workbook. This problem occurs on only one machine i work with, on the others it works fine. All machines have the same setup, Excel97 and Excel2007 installed on them.


Any ideas??




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Message 1 of 11


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Message 2 of 11

A lot of times when automation Excel through ActiveX an error in the code results in Excel remaining still running in the background.

This will cause problems with subsequent actions.



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Message 3 of 11
The problem even occurs after a reboot of the system and does not occur on other machines. A code error should cause an error on other machines too, shouldn't it?
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Message 4 of 11
For sure the file is there, the _application object gets created without an error.
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Message 6 of 11

It looks like the Excel file is located on a server mapped to K:\

What happens when you move it to the local hard drive C:\?

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Message 7 of 11

@andyforpresident wrote:
For sure the file is there, the _application object gets created without an error.

Creation of the application object has nothing to do with opening the workbook, which is what is generating the error. If you are getting an error with opening the workbook then you either have the wrong path, a permissions issue, a network issue, or the file is already open.

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Message 8 of 11
Ok, I try to move it to a local hard drive, K is a network drive, that's right. I have to wait till Monday to give it a try because I reside in Germany and I'm out of office since seven hours ;-).
And thanks for the little object creation course, I'm not very familiar with activeX.
I will tell you on monday. Thanks a lot!
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Message 9 of 11
What makes me wonder is the fact that it works on other machines.... same permissions etc.
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Message 10 of 11