Add functionality/property to allow a cluster to have a scroll bar. This way, long clusters with many elements can be shrunk down to a manageable front panel size and a scroll bar would navigate through the cluster elements.
It seems as if NI doesn't give too much attention to large clsuters. All of the problems I've had has been related to the ease of creation and use of large clusters. This needs to be changed!
This suggestion ties in perfectly with my "Typedef Explosion" suggestion, and could arguably be considered a solution to my issue! Absolutely, crelf, if you apply it to the FP, put it on the BD!
Or allow a tab control to be inserted in the cluster (you can't do this today). This will allow you to categorize the elements of the cluster both in the FP/BD and in the selection list for cluster elements.
The tab control itself will be a purely organizational tool. It will not be part of the control hierarchy and renaming a page or moving a control from one page to another will not require any change in the code referencing the cluster.
Seriously, why has this not been implemented? We have a cluster with a ridiculous amount of items in it. In order to see it, I have to scroll the FP all the way to the "bottom" as opposed to just scrolling through the cluster items. Maybe I'd like to see my other FP items and some specific cluster item at the same time. Who knows, either way...I've got LabVIEW 2014 which can't do this...and this was suggested back in 2009...........
Kidlin's Law -If you can write the problem down clearly then the matter is half solved. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------