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Clean Up Wire function for several wires

Status: Completed
Available in NI LabVIEW 2010

Clean Up Wire function for several wires


I use the clean up wire function very often. Unfortunately this function is limited to a single selected wire. I don’t know if there is a way to clean up several wires at a time without rearrange the other items.


To clean up a single wire you have to hold the mouse pointer above the desired wire and use the short cut menu (select Clean Up Wire).


I would recommend to extend this clean up wire function in a way that allows to select a certain area and use the 'Clean Up Wire' function (similar to the Block Diagram Clean Up function).


Perhaps it possible to create a short cut menu in LabVIEW if several objects were selected. Additionally a short cut for the Diagram Clean Up function could be added.





AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

The team that supports Clean Up Diagram put a fix that I requested into LV 2010. If you select nothing but wires on your diagram and hit the Clean Up Diagram tool, the effect is the same as running Clean Up Wire on each of the selected wires. This is consistent with the "clean up diagram when you have stuff selected only cleans up the selected items." In LV 2009, if you had a wire selected and did Clean Up Diagram, the terminals on the ends of the wire might get moved.


I believe that this essentially fullfills your idea since the work is equivalent -- select the wires, then activate a function. Unless you have objections, I'll ask that this idea be marked as complete in LV 2010.

Active Participant


@Aristos wrote:
If you select nothing but wires on your diagram and hit the Clean Up Diagram tool, the effect is the same as running Clean Up Wire on each of the selected wires.


It would certainly save time if you could select wires and anything else in one fell swoop, and then just clean up the wires.  This would save you from clicking individual wires, or figuring out a path to dodge whatever icons may be on the block diagram.

Tim Elsey
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Active Participant

No I don't think it should be marked as complete.  It's usually impossible to quickly select all the wires in the diagram without clicking each one.  I'd probably use "clean up wires" (with or without a selection) which only affected the wires, much more than I'll use "clean up diagram".

AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

> much more than I'll use "clean up diagram".


Give it a try in LV 2010 and then let me know how you feel. It is sufficiently improved in 2010 that several of us who work in G now generally apply clean up to all of our diagrams as we're working. It's still got a couple of "that just doesn't feel right" moments, but those are fairly rare now.

Todd S.
NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Completed
Completed in 2010
Todd S.
LabVIEW Community Manager
National Instruments
NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Completed
Available in NI LabVIEW 2010