Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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WindowsXP support for GPIG%2FPCI%2FDOS


Thanks for the update and the trace files! Let me look over these and i'll post any findings back here! 


Corey C

Applications Engineer

National Instruments 

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 27

I am guessing the problem is that some extra steps are needed to make device templates (what I assume you are referring to by aliases) visible to DOS applications. Please refer to the "GPIB Help" file installed with NI-488.2 for more information. This can be found on the start menu, or in MAX by selecting Help->Help Topics->NI-488.2.


Once you are in the help file, look for a topic called How do I change a GPIB device template, which includes the instructions needed for the templates to be visible from DOS applications.


-Jason Smith

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 27

Hi Jason,

 Thanks for the post, however I have done these steps several times before with no good result. I did them again based upon your post without obtaining any different result.  I seem to be able to run MS Qbasic in the DOS  box and have run the GPIB program in basic language running the interpreter in QB45 to provide execution capability and the program crases at exectly the same point as a compiled and linked executable DOS program.   Using this method I found the crash point to be the first CALL to a GPIB function.

Note : All the BASIC part ( Graphics and set up questions etc.  ) of the program which preceeds the GPIB CALL runs perfectly.


THanks for the help,



0 Kudos
Message 23 of 27

When you say "the DOS box", are you referring to the Windows command prompt (cmd.exe), or are you running inside a separate DOS emulator, such as DOSBox?

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 27

Hi Jason,


The DOS box I refer to is the one that must have come with the NI package. I have not installed a DOS box separately, and I do not thinK that XP has one as a standard install. The XP is pretty bare, just HP printer drivers for the 5510, DlinK  wireless  card

and the NI package for DOS. I keep that computer off the internet etc. when it is running XP.   I use  Linux ( Mandriva 3)  for all my normal computer activities . The DOS box starts automatically when ever I start a DOS based program in XP.                                                                      

I seem to be able to run almost anything DOS based with it! I have to try a non GPIB program to see what happens but I know MS Quick Basic 4.5 runs, or at least appears to!!




0 Kudos
Message 25 of 27

HI Jason,

 My last reply was not clear when i reviewed it.


If I start using the Windows  command ( and get the  "box" in which it runs)  it states that the  NI GPIB handler for DOS is installed.   Good!!


If then work my way from there to the  C:\  drive and on to where the  .EXE of the DOS GPIB program that I want to run resides and execute the program, the program starts and appears to fail at the point it makes the first CALL to a GPIB instrument.


This is also true if using the Windows command "box"  I  go into MS QB45 , run QB45,  and then find the .BAS file  that the .EXE  was compiled and linked from and run this .BAS file using the QB45 interpreter, except that I can now see the exact line of code where the program fails and the instruction that caused the failure, which is  the CALL to first instrument.


I get the same result when I use Windows explorer and find my way the the DOS  .EXE  thatIi want to run and just click on it.

This time a similar "BOX" appears, a flash in the screen in th box saying the NI  GPIB  DOS handler is installed appears  and then the program start screen  appears in the box as expected.  Making a option selection from the program start screen makes a CALL to a GPIB instrument and the program fails,  resulting in the program calling for an exit from the program, this " graceful exit "  portion of the program continues to run properly and the "BOX" disappears with no errors from Windows.


I hope this is a better explanation of my situation for you.


I have tried and it  appears that I can edit a   . BAS file in QB45 although I have not compiled and linked the edited file.





0 Kudos
Message 26 of 27

Hi Corey,

 Have you any fureher information from these trace files?? I have been experimenting here and find I can run MS QB45 in the

Command box and using the QB 45 interpreter to run a .BAS file I can fiond the exact line in the program  where failure occurs.

The instruction that causes the line to fail and it is the CALL to a GPIB instrument to find if it is present and it's status. 


My inter[pretation of this is that the connection between the NI GPIB handler for DOS and the DOS program  is " broken"  .

The command ( DOS ) box tells me the N-IGPIB handler for DOS is installed when when I start the command  box. 


Thanksd for your reply,


0 Kudos
Message 27 of 27