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VirtualBench Bode Analyzer(FGEN and MSO) Initialization error

I just got my VIrtualBench and while trying the VirtualBench Bode Analyzer (FGEN and MSO) example (for LabVIEW13.0) I have been getting an "Initialization error". I would appreciate any ideas about this error. BTW: I have LabVIEW version 12.0 and while trying to save the above example for the LabVIEW version 12.0 it gave me a number of errors. I guess the example cannot be saved and run in LabVIEW version 12.0'
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Message 1 of 12

I'm a bit confused.  Are you running the example in LV2013 and getting an initialization error, or are you running the example in LV2012 and getting an initialization error?  VirtualBench isn't supported in LV2012, so if you are trying to run it there, I wouldn't expect it to work.  Our API doesn't get installed for that platform.  I just ran the example to double check and it worked fine for me, so I don't see any obvious issues.  Where is the error appearing?  Are you getting an error dialog from LabVIEW or are you getting a model system dialog indicating an error?

Zach Hindes
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

I am running the example in LV2013.  Knowing the example does not run in LV2012, I downloaded then LV2013 on a trial basis.

The VirualBench configuration seems to bbe OK.  I downloaded the latest VirtualBench firmware to have the FFT.  The firmware with which the VirtualBencch came with did not have the FFT.  I am including a screen shot of the instrument channel settings and another of the error I am getting.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

Error -375903 typically indicates that some other application is using the specified instrument.  Do you have any other programs running that are using your device?  That could be another VI or the VirtualBench application.


If that is the case, you should stop those VIs (and/or close the VirtualBench application) before running the bode analyzer example.

Nathan Baldwin
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

You are correct. I believe, the instructions to run the program should have step 7 added as shown below:


1. Download the example program on the right under downloads

2. In LabVIEW software, open the program by going to File>Open...and navigate to the file

3. Connect the  VirtualBench device

4. Follow the connection instructions to correctly connect the DUT

5. Select the correct VirtualBench device from the pull-down menu of the VirtualBench Device control

6. Specify the analog channel, trigger channel, DC offset, and amplitude in the Channel Settings panel

7. Close the VirtualBench Application

8 Click the Run button to run the program

9. The Bode plot will display on the graphs


If, once step 6. is completed, the VirtualBench application is left open, the program will detect it as being used still and give error 375903.


Thank you very much for your help.  It certainly did make me to look at the procedure more closely.  Then, I realized step 7 above.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

Four more questions:


1.  Given that, as per Zach: "VirtualBench isn't supported in LV2012, so if you are trying to run it there, I wouldn't expect it to work.  Our API doesn't get installed for that platform", then, to use VirtualBench do I have to acquire LV2013?

2. Why is it that VirtualBench cannot be used with LV2012?

3. Or is it that the "VirtualBench Bode Analyzer (FGEN and MSO)" example was developed for the LV2013 platform only?

4.  Would it be possible to convert the "VirtualBench Bode Analyzer (FGEN and MSO)" example to the LV2012 platform?  If so, I would appreciate the instructions to do so.





0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12



The VirtualBench API is only officially supported in LabVIEW 2013 and beyond. LV 2013 contains several bug fixes that are critical for the API to work as expected. While it may be possible to get some of the API working in LabVIEW 2012, we do not expect this to be an ideal or fully functioning experience, and it is not officially supported.




William Earle

Software Engineer


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Message 7 of 12

@alguesaser wrote:

You are correct. I believe, the instructions to run the program should have step 7 added as shown below:


1. Download the example program on the right under downloads

2. In LabVIEW software, open the program by going to File>Open...and navigate to the file

3. Connect the  VirtualBench device

4. Follow the connection instructions to correctly connect the DUT

5. Select the correct VirtualBench device from the pull-down menu of the VirtualBench Device control

6. Specify the analog channel, trigger channel, DC offset, and amplitude in the Channel Settings panel

7. Close the VirtualBench Application

8 Click the Run button to run the program

9. The Bode plot will display on the graphs


If, once step 6. is completed, the VirtualBench application is left open, the program will detect it as being used still and give error 375903.


Thank you very much for your help.  It certainly did make me to look at the procedure more closely.  Then, I realized step 7 above.



Good idea, I forwarded this information to the owner of the example writeups.  Hopefully, we can get them updated!

Zach Hindes
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

Platform Configuration:

Operating Systems: Windows 7 (64-Bit)

LabVIEW 2013 SP1


I'm attempted to execute the "VirtualBench_DMM Measurement (DMM).vi" but I have the "broken error" and have the following errors occuring (see attachments).


Also, the virtual bench .vi's are located at this location: c:\program files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2013\vi .lib\VirtualBench\

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

Are you able to drill into some of the VirtualBench API VIs (the ones in VirtualBench.lvlib) and diagnose why they aren't executable?  It seems like something is wrong with your install of the VirtualBench API.

Zach Hindes
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 12