07-28-2012 09:14 AM
Can anyone Help me with converting .mdl to .dll .
Its the same Compiler Problem which HARIKA had. (Message 5 and 6)
Just explain how can i install a new VC++ complier for my Matlab ?
07-30-2012 02:28 AM
Hi A.A.K.
Make sure you have the right Matlab and Simulink version installed, like stated in
http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/2AE33E926BF2CDF2862579880079D751. And make sure you have the 32 bit version of Matlab and Simulink.
Afterwards just download one of the compatible VC++ compilers which are also listed in the link above. For Vistual Studio 2008 you can use following link, http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2008-editions/express.
Then you have to use the mex comand in Matlab and choose the wanted compiler.
07-30-2012 04:36 AM
Your links are not opening. But i think i have checked those already.
I am in discussion with few NI guys on the following link
Kindly have a look and see if you could help me. (Message 13 onwards)
07-30-2012 01:16 PM
Well done Luk04 🙂 and dp pardon the inconvenience.
- I've identified the MATLAB support installation issue. This appears to be specifically with versions R2010b and later. This issue is documented under CAR 362884.