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Project Explorer not Showing when Loaded

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So I have been running Veristand on a PC with 2 screens, last night I relocated the PC and went to run a project on it 


When I open Veristand the new/choose project window appears but when i load or start a new project the project explorer wont show on the screen it is open in the task bar but if you click it it stays in minimised and doesn't show

Any ideas of why this is happening and how to fix it?



Project Explorer in TaskbarProject Explorer in Taskbar

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Message 1 of 7
Accepted by ecleary42


select NI VeriStand in the taskbar and use "Windows Key + SHIFT + Arrow Key" to move the window to your primary monitor.


Detailed instructions:
Press and hold the Windows Key then add and hold the SHIFT key. While keeping those two pressed hit the left or right arrow key to move the current active window left or right.

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Message 2 of 7

Unfortunately this doesn't work, it works on a screen (tried it with a LabVIEW vi) that is already on the desktop but not a minimised screen 


Thanks for the suggestion

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Message 3 of 7

ok so i fixed it, hover over the Versitand widget and let the system explorer come up as a tab and then right click this and click maximise, your suggestion lead me to try this 🙂 


the window was ridiculously wide for some reason, oh well its working now 


thanks again

Message 4 of 7


can you tell me if it ist possible to use a higher LabView Version (e.g Labview 2018) with

a lower Veristand version (e.g: Veristand 2016).


Best Regards

C. D


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Message 5 of 7

How is this question relevant to the original post "Project Explorer not Showing when Loaded"?

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Message 6 of 7

Per eclearly42: "ok so i fixed it, hover over the Versitand widget and let the system explorer come up as a tab and then right click this and click maximise, your suggestion lead me to try this".


Hover over the Versitand widget in the Task Bar and let the system explorer come up as a tab and then right click this and click maximise.



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Message 7 of 7