I am attempting to work on a basic example to implement the RFNoC Fosphor block on my X410. I was able to build and load an image with RFNoC blocks: Radio/FFT/DDC/Fosphor.
When I attempt to build a flowgraph in gnuradio, I am missing an RFNoC Fosphor Qt Display block that I assume connects to the RFNoC Fosphor block (which is available). The only other available blocks are a fosphor qt sink and foshpor glfw sink. Should have gr-fosphor, GLFW, OpenCL drivers plus dependencies all installed.
I am using an X410, gnuradio 3.10.6 plus most recent version of UHD. Has anyone had success implementing RFNoC/Fosphor on their X410? I also recall seeing fosphor example files under gr-ettus (now gr-uhd), but cannot find any rfnoc_fosphor_example files anywhere in the current version.
I work on an air-gapped host system, but can attempt to provide grc files or yaml if that helps.