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trying to install MultiSim via CMD

try to install MultiSim via CMD

i run nipkg.exe install --passive --accept-eulas --prevent-reboot "D:\MultiSim\ni-cds-cosim-plugin-labview-2017-support-x86_14.2.0.49252-0+f100_windows_all.nipkg"


and get:


A required package could not be found: The package 'ni-cds-cosim-plugin-labview-2017-support-x86 (' requires package 'aa4b25c0-a1f6-472e-8f76-32e406b7e44d (>= 17.0.0)' that has an architecture compatible with this operating system. (>= 17.0.0)' that has an architecture compatible with this operating system.

what is aa4b25c0-a1f6-472e-8f76-32e406b7e44d?


how fix?

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