This project was created to measure the duty cycle and period of PWM signals. Therefore it counts the HIGH-time and LOW-time on the FPGA and stores the values on the front panel.
The RT VI calls the on the FPGA, takes the measured times and sums them up to get the period in seconds and calculates the duty cycle in percentage. calls which measures HIGH and LOW-times by detecting the corresponding edges in the signal. It is used on each of the PWM Decoder Input Pins.
Instructions on how to use Code:
If you do not have the NI LabVIEW FPGA module you can still run this code by pointing the Open FPGA Reference to the bitfile (lvbitx) attached at the bottom of this document.
For more details on this:
How Do I Download a Bitfile to My Target Without LabVIEW FPGA?
Opening a Reference to an FPGA VI, Build Specifcation, or Bitfile (FPGA Interface)
1. Connect your sensor to the NI myRIO
2. Compile on FPGA Target using the local compile farm if you downloaded Xilinx Compile Tools or a compile server or cloud
3. You can use the bitfile instead of compiling the FPGA VI if you wish to run the code as is
4. Run and measure duty cycle and period
Modified Pin-out:
Connector A DIO7:0 – each pin acts as a PWM Decoder Input Pin
Connector C DIO7:0 – each pin acts as a PWM Decoder Input Pin
Onboard DIO Button0 and LED0, LED 1, LED2 and LED3 remain untouched
Code: attached
thanks very much really great work.