This community page is a work in progress, please check back soon
Overview of what project is:
We live in a world where simple things do not get our attention anymore. myFerroClock will grab your attention and you will spend hours and hours by looking at it. Some might say is even therapheutic.....more details will come soon.
Picture of project:
<Example: Front panel, physical project, code>
<Maximum file size: 500.0 K. Also, please note that images larger than 800px wide or 600px tall will be scaled to fit those limits in your content.>
(optional) Video of project:
<Supported file formats: youtube, vimeo, and google video>
<Length: 3-5 minutes>
(optional) Parts List:
<Example: Sensors, materials used>
Wiring Diagram:
< If an external circuit was created an actual picture of circuit and drawing of connections>
< Steps to allow user to walk through project and reproduce>
C or LV?:
Version of LV:
<Attach code>