From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
We appreciate your patience as we improve our online experience.
University: Northwestern Polytechnical University
Team Member(s): 陈立伟(Chen Li-wei) 曹晓欢(Cao Xiao-huan) OUSSAADI HAFID 贺宁(He ning)
Faculty Advisors: 杨建华(Yang Jian-hua)
Email Address: 杨建华(Yang Jian-hua)
陈立伟(Chen Li-wei)
曹晓欢(Cao Xiao-huan)
贺宁(He ning)
<insert a brief project description in 1-2 sentences>
<insert the full description of your project>
We use two wireless sensor nodes to collect data about light and temperature of different environments in this project. Before we using, every nodes should connect to the host of PXI-1042Q, then we put program into internal control system of the nodes through the specific port, the program is about sample rate, data transceiver mode and so on. After we put program into nodes system, we disconnect the connection between node and host, and the node could work independently by using batteries. The internal system of nodes transforms the data that the sensor collects into digital signals, and sends them to the gateway. the gateway of the wireless sensor network (WSN) connects to PXI-1042Q via USB, and we design a program from JAVA to control the communication between gateway and host. These data about light and temperature write into PXI-1042Q, we set up a Human-computer interaction platform using LabVIEW. This program reads data from PXI-1042Q, then show the waveform of light and temperature on the screen. We could know the conditions of different environments clearly. In LabVIEW program we set the environmental parameters according to what we need. When the light and temperature of the environment don’t match the parameters we set in the program, the program will drive the PXI-6221 through DAQ to generate control signals. Then the project realized automatic adjustment of light and temperature. This is what we have done first. Now we can use PC and NI USB-6009 to realize the same function.
<insert explanation of how your project works>
We design a WSN by using two wireless sensor nodes and a gateway. The software platform of WSN is nesC. The data which collected by sensors about light and temperature write into the host through the program based on JAVA. We set up a Human-computer interaction platform using LabVIEW, this program could monitor the temperature and light in different environments.
<insert image(s) of project with captions>
Reference Accessories
<insert video of project and team>
Reference Accessories
<reminder: attach VI code (optional)>
Reference Accessories
Nominate Your Professor: (optional)
<insert nomination. Does your professor use LabVIEW or other National Instruments technology to make learning difficult concepts engaging, interesting, and fun? If so, nominate him/her as an outstanding educator by telling us who they are, what they teach, and how they make learning a better experience for you.>