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MOJO JOJO [maze solver]

MOJO JOJO, a maze solver programmed to solve a maze of fixed size (Dimension l*b). Basically we are the newbies for the embedded system (still in 5th sem) tried our best to Design and program this bot. This bot uses an algorithm desgined by us ( Got an idea from A* algorithm). It looks for the shortest path in the maze. The camera placed on the bot record the video as the bot starts moving and record untilll the destination is reached. We have used ARM7 cortex M3 controller, stepper motors and IR sensors. Everything has been coded in LabVIEW 2011. This can be applied in Defence to locate and find the shortest route to the foriegn body(may be terrorists or aliens) in a given area. It can be used in exploring the caves and archeological expeditions. With few modifications, this can be one of the features in an unmanned groung vehicle. Still the GPS tracking system and back tracking system need to be implemented to this bot(Further development). The video has been recorded using a 3rd party software. As there was a time constraint for submitting the video, we didint had the time to implement it using Labview.So, we will try to implement it within oct 16th(Finals).

Team members:

Sharath Kumar R ( Team head ) - CS dept.

Vasanth S Y - CS dept.

Kaushik R - EC dept.

Shankar Prasad S S - EC dept.

We are the 3rd year (5th sem) BE students of Dr AMBEDKAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Bangalore. We just had a 2hrs hands on session on LabVIEW a month ago and with that basic knowledge we tried our best to reach this level.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Thank you,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4 D's

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [Team name]


good job guys!!!saw ur video...its simply amazing...hp u guys crack it in the finals...all the very best and cheers:):):)
