LCD with I2C PCF8574AT backpack - LabVIEW API
LabVIEW API for any LCD equipped with Hitachi HD44780 controller and I2C PCF8574AT backpack.
Several types of LCD are supported: 1x8 - 2x8 - 1x16 - 2x16 - 2x20 - 4x16 - 4x20.
Instructions on how to use Code:
- Open - Create a new I2C Reference for LCD equipped with HD44780 controller and PCF8574AT backpack. Set the I2C parameters using I2C User Configuration typdef. The defualt address is 0x3F (see PCF8574AT documentation for more info). Use only 100kbps I2C communication.
- Init - Inits the LCD to the normal operating mode establishing a 4 bit communication.
- GoTo - Set the cursor position to the selected line and column.
- Write - This VI write a string on the LCD Screen. Do not exceed the maximum line length to avoid unexpected behaviour of the LCD.
- GoTo&Write - Set the cursor position to the selected line and column and write a string on the LCD Scree. Do not exceed the maximum line length to avoid unexpected behaviour of the LCD.
- Clear - Clear the LCD Screen and set the cursor to Home (Line 1 and Column 1).
- Close - Close the LCD I2C reference.
Wiring Diagram and Project Tree:
Example Code:
Simple clock based on LCD API and a 20x4 LCD
This project is different from the one presented in the official myRIO Project Guide based on Digilent I2C LCD.
If no characters appears on LCD, please check the contrast adjustment.