University: University of Maryland Baltimore County
Team Member(s): Wenlong Tang and Uri Tasch
Faculty Advisors: Uri Tasch
Email Address:
A data collection software has been programed by using LabView to collect force data and location data from 14 load cells. A data analysis software is developed to synchronize the force data and image data from a digital vedio camera.
LabView 8.6, PCI 6235, SC2341
The video collection unit was added to the data collection software by using a
® 8.6 program. The GRF and the video data start to be
collected at the same time when the data collection software is clicked to run. As soon
as the software is stopped, two files are automatically created in a specific folder: one
is a “.txt” file which is used to store GRF data and the other one is an “.avi” file that
stores video images. A screen, a frequency meter, and some other function blocks
were added to the front panel of the data collection software. This control panel aids
the user in observing how the rat walks through the system.
Nominate Your Professor: (optional)
<insert nomination. Does your professor use LabVIEW or other National Instruments technology to make learning difficult concepts engaging, interesting, and fun? If so, nominate him/her as an outstanding educator by telling us who they are, what they teach, and how they make learning a better experience for you.>
Thanks for uploading your VI's to the LabVIEW Student Community. Could you add some of your contact and project info so folks can have a better understanding of your application?
Have a good one,
Hi Liz,
I have add my contact and project info on the website and save the draft.
However, when I log on again and upload the vi. I lost all the
information. I though you guys can fix that problem. Could you please have
a check if the save draft button works or not?
"Submission by Gouxiong DC V 05"
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Hi Welong,
Thanks for updating your submission. I'm seeing your VI's and project information. The only thing missing is your official project name in the title section.
Let me know if you continue to see problems on your end.
Good luck " in the competition - make sure to forward to your friends an collect "votes" or "likes" for your submission!
I put the title "Data Collection Software and Data Analysis Software Developed for Locomotion Measurements in Rodents" . I can see the title on my side. You can not find it on your side?
- All good now. I changed the title of your project to match. Good luck collecting votes for your project!