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Questions regarding PXIe-5433 capabilities and the niFGEN support for this device.



I have some specific questions regarding the PXIe-5433 two channels arbitrary waveform module and niFGEN property nodes and thought I would ask the support forum to see if anyone could help.


1. How do I find out what niFGEN properties via the niFGEN property node are supported for my device?  The reason I am asking is because appears to be some niFGEN properties that are not valid for the PXIe-5433 that are valid for other FGEN devices.  In an application I am modifying to use the PXIe-5433 instead of a PXI-5441 some of the niFGEN property nodes seem to not work anymore or require different values.  I.e. The All Marker Events Latched Status property appears to not be supported for the PXIe-5433?  However, it is supported on the PXI-5441 and requires me to change my application logic if that is the case.  Also, the Marker Event Pulse Width Value seems like it can only be set to 200 ns on the PXIe-5433, when I tried setting it to 500 ns to match my previous application implementation I received an error explaining that the valid values for the parameter is 200 ns.  Does anyone know why this is?


2. Does anyone know if there is an analog filter in the PXIe-5433 or only a digital filter?  In the PXI-5441 I know there is both, but it looks like in the PXIe-5433 there is only a digital filter.  Just want to confirm this is the case.  Also, I assume the filter setting effect both output channels, since the filter enable properties do not appear to be channel based, can someone confirm if this is the case?


I am using LabVIEW 2019 f4 32-bit and 19.0 NI-FGEN driver for development.







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