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PXIe-5413 External trigger possible ?



I'm trying to use the PXIe-5413 to generate an arbitrary waveform output for each external rising edge trigger input pulse from the CTRO sync output of an NI PXI-6115 ( or a TTL pulse from a signal generator for testing ).


The PXIe-5413 technical documentation states that the PFIO front panel SMA connector can be used as a start trigger. However I have found that in Instrument Studio it is impossible to select Digital Edge Triggering without the device name turning red to indicate an unsupported configuration. The C API function calls also return errors when trying to set the device into this triggering mode.


Should this product be used in Arbitrary Waveform Mode, or Standard Waveform Mode with User Defined waveform ? Are both methods supported by the product or only one ?


Is this product capable of producing an output waveform that is synchronous to an external hardware trigger input, or is it capable of producing a sync out signal that is synchronous with the waveform ?


At the moment I am only able to operate the device in continuous mode, with no possibility to synchronize the waveforms to any external hardware. Given the specifications this is a very surprising finding, am I missing something ?


Many thanks,




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Hello Tom_Marshall

As far as I know there shouldn't be any problem related drivers or card. I suggest contact NI technical support with the issue. 


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