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misunderstanding of the NI-9237 specifications

Hi everyone!

I just read the NI-9237 specifications and something confused me.

In Table 1 (Accuracy Table), it says that the uncalibrated accuracy is up to 0.55%, but in Table 2, it says that the filter flatness is 0.1 dB.

My question is: how is it possible that with 0.1 dB of flatness, we have an accuracy of up to 0.55%?

The 0.1 dB is about 1.15% of error. If we ignore other sources of errors, the accuracy should be at least 1.15%. Am I right or not?


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Message 1 of 2

The relationship between flatness in decibels (dB) and accuracy percentage in measurements can be understood through the definitions and implications of both terms in a specific context, usually related to signal processing, measurement systems, or audio systems.

  1. Flatness (0.1 dB): In the context of audio and signals, flatness refers to how uniformly a system responds across a range of frequencies. A flat response means that all frequencies are amplified or attenuated in a consistent manner, resulting in minimal variation. A flatness of ±0.1 dB indicates that the system’s gain does not vary more than 0.1 dB across the frequency range of interest.

  2. Accuracy (0.55%): Accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true value. In many applications, particularly in measurement systems, this can be influenced by factors such as linearity, calibration, and flatness.

Relationship Explained

The idea that a flatness specification of 0.1 dB correlates to an accuracy of 0.55% might be understood through the following considerations:

  • Conversion of dB to Linear Scale: The decibel scale is logarithmic. A change of ±0.1 dB corresponds to variations that can be calculated in a linear scale: [ \text{Gain (linear)} = 10^{\frac{\text{dB}}{20}} ] For a ±0.1 dB variation, this translates roughly into a linear factor change of: [ 10^{\frac{0.1}{20}} \approx 1.012 \quad \text{and} \quad 10^{-\frac{0.1}{20}} \approx 0.988 ] Thus, the variation in measurement could be around 1.2%, which is close to what we see with a 0.55% accuracy specification.

  • Computation of Errors: If the gain varies by ±0.1 dB, the impact on the overall signal or measurement can yield an additional systematic error depending on the specific configuration of the system. If deviation from a true reference point occurs due to non-flat response, then the resultant measurement error can average out to 0.55% when observed across a range of signals or operational conditions.

  • Specific System Design: In certain systems, especially in calibrated environments, the influence of flatness on accuracy can also be minimized through design considerations like feedback mechanisms, digital correction, or calibration schedules that align against a reference.


Thus, while 0.1 dB flatness suggests a minimal variation in response, it can still correlate to a more substantial measurement accuracy percentage due to the linear implications of dB changes and the inherent behavior of the measurement system. The specific relationship can vary depending on other factors, including the context in which these measurements are made, the specific characteristics of the equipment, and the application requirements.

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