12-04-2015 08:49 AM
I have a project about Ultrasonik Testing..
my frequency is 40KHz..
and I will sampling the data >80KHz
can NI DAQ USB 6008 handle high frequency about 80-800KHz??
12-04-2015 08:57 AM
12-04-2015 09:07 AM
I have seen it..
In Counter, It said that Maximum input frequency is 5MHz..
does it mean that it can handle frequency in kilos and I can use ADC to process the signal with it?
12-04-2015 09:10 AM
sorry, I'm asian from Indonesian..
and Im beginner..
Im still doesn't know about the spesification in the datasheet..
12-04-2015 09:16 AM
12-04-2015 09:49 AM
so, can you suggest me some advice to solve my problem?
I have to process the signal 40 KHz into spectrum with A-scan representation in labview..
what should i do ?
im so confused with the hardware and software..
12-04-2015 10:02 AM
The Nyquist theorem is the fundamental basis for all sampled data systems. It states (as you a ppear to be aware) that to accurately reproduce a continuous signal from the sampled representation the sampling rate must be greater than twice the bandwidth of the signal.
To process a signal with a 40 kHz bandwidth requires sampling at greater than 80 kHz. The USB-6008 has a sampling rate of 10 kHz for one channel. So, it cannot acquire the data you need.
You need to obtain a DAQ device which has a much faster sampling rate. If your ultrasonic signal is pulsed or swept in frequency, the bandiwdth of the modulation must also be considered. I would look for a DAQ device which could sample at least 100 kHz and possibly even faster.
12-04-2015 09:06 PM
what's the type of device can handle 100KHz?
I'm waiting your advice...
12-05-2015 04:42 AM