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Connecting a 6 component Force Balance to NI9237 modules

I need to know how the sensing/excitation lines work on a NI9237.


I want to connect several 5-component balances (full bridges) to a measurement system with 21 NI9237 modules on a cRIO with 2 slave RIO's (84 channels).

The distance between balance and measurement system is 15m.

The balances are wired to a 12 pin connector on the balance.

5x2 wires for output (+/-) of the bridges and 2 excitation pins (+/-).  

Because of the cable length to the meas. system I want to connect 2 extra wires for sense to the balance excitation pins.

In the drawing you see the wiring of the balance.   


Now my problem:

I can't find it in the manuals, but I assume that the NI9237 channels have no 'active' excitation lines, in other words the sense lines are only used to get the real ratio-metric reading (output bridge / sense line voltage). Am I right? 

Then the wiring in my drawing must be OK!

I use the modules on the same external DC Voltage (+5.0 VDC)


Is there someone to confirm this?


 Connections 5 bridges balance on SGM.jpg

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Message 1 of 2

Sorry I ment a 5 component Balance, not 6!

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