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suppress pop up message of "Waiting for Real-Time target (RT CompactRIO Target) to respond"

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Is there a way to suppress the pop up message of "Waiting for Real-Time target (RT CompactRIO Target) to respond" when power is removed from the cRIO or when the network cable is disconnected?

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Message 1 of 6

Hi DannyC,


Unfortunately there is no way of suppressing this message since it is internal to the LabVIEW software. Is there a reason you want to suppress it?


Take care!


Tanya Visser
National Instruments
LabVIEW Group Manager
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Message 2 of 6

I have a cRIO and a Host PC on my network.  The Host PC is running a VI as an installed executable that forwards commands to the cRIO FPGA VI.  The FPGA VI is saved in flash memory and runs on power up.  The Host VI and the FGPA VI are both running without user front panel interaction. 



I dont want the Host VI to forward any commands to the cRIO if the cRIO is not powered up yet, or if the cRIO has lost communication.


I want the Host VI to be able to tell whether the cRIO is online or not so it won't forward commands, but a pop up message is not acceptible because there is no user interaction.  It has to be programmatic.


Is there a way for my Host VI to tell the cRIO is powered on or off without that popup message being displayed?  All I need is for some value to change in the Host VI when the cRIO is either powered down or the ethernet cable is unplugged.



Thanks for your help.



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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author DannyC

Hi Danny,


How are you sending commands from the Windows PC to the cRIO? Are you using the FPGA Host Interface remotely?


I have not seen the popup dialog when the LabVIEW Project is not present.


If you create a Windows VI that sends commands via shared variables or another network mechanism to an RT VI, which in turn is controlling your FPGA VI, then you should not ever see the popup you are referring to.


This tutorial walks through creating a monitoring example on cRIO with three VIs as I described:


This tutorial has an example of using a shared variable to implement a heartbeat, to determine if the cRIO is connected:


Hope this helps.


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Message 4 of 6

I think you are right, the pop up messages are only when the project is open. 


We had everything working, but when we went back to the project to implement a heartbeat we started seeing this popup when we pulled the cable to test it.


I will test the "heartbeat" without the project being open and see what happens.




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Message 5 of 6

That was it.  When running from an exe without the project there is no pop up.


Thank you!



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Message 6 of 6