Real-Time Measurement and Control

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RT Timed structure CPU usage

Hello everyone, 


I try to understand some things about my real time application. 

I am sorry but I can't share my code, I will try to be as clear as I can.


I have a PID in a timed loop. The process duration is approximatively 500 us. My loop time duration is 10 ms. 

I expect to obtain 5% CPU usage (0,5/10) but it is currently at least 95%. My application work well but there is a problem and I don't know where it come from.


I wait for 10 ms because I work with sampled signals and I need to have 1000 samples. At the beginning of my timed loop, I have my DAQmx-Read function, then all my signal processing, and finally my DAQmx-Write.


Can you help me ?


Thank you 

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