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FlexRIO PXIe-5775 Channel Interleaving

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I have a FlexRIO PXIe-5775 (KU060) which I need to get the full 6.4 GS/s from. In the IO Socket CLIP Details section, there is the following text:


"This CLIP exposes two 3.2 GS/s AI channels to the LabVIEW diagram. The interface for each channel is 16 samples wide, hence driven by a 200 MHz DataClk.

The converter is capable of running at 6.4 GS/s though a single channel. The input can be configured for 6.4 GS/s by enabling interleaving of AI0 and AI1."


My question is, how do I enable interleaving of AI0 and AI1 to achieve 6.4 GS/s? I have not been able to find any information on this in the documentation or discussion forums.

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Accepted by topic author Cy.Rybicki

Was sent the answer to this from another source, including it here in case anyone else runs into this problem:


"C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20XX\ProjectTemplates\Source\FlexRIO\NI5775\Getting Started" contains example projects for each 5775 variant, and includes "Set" which shows how to enable this feature.

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