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Ethercat -The NI Scan Engine could not be changed to Active mode because one or more slave devices failed to enter Operational State

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Hello, I'm using a Compact Rio 9074 with an extension EtherCAT chassis NI 9144


I'm able to see both devices 9074 and 9144 from Labview Project, but when I try to deploy configuration to 9074 Controller the follow error appears:


lv error.png


I've tried deploying all by setting Configuration Mode and Active Mode. Also, when I check on Ethercat Online Master State its in state: Pre-Operational with errors. And appers this message: Error -2147137769 occurred at an unidentified location 


Ethercat Online State.png


I'm using Labview 2011 and the NI cRio has installed:


cRio 9074 software installed.png 


I've tried by formatting cRio and reinstalling NI Ethercat and Scan Engine again 


I wonder if anybody has the same issue, I would appreciate any help.


Thanks in advance




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Message 1 of 3

It looks like you are using only NI Ecat slaves. You might need to upgrade the firmware of your 9144 chassis. Try the attached one.

The installed User Guide describes how to update the chassis.



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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author lenin_7

Thank you very much DirkW  that worked for me inmediately 🙂

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Message 3 of 3