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Can C or C++ be used instead of Labview for CompactRIO.

I believe this is what you are looking for.


You will still need the LabVIEW RT Module and RIO drivers, but Eclipse let you have access to the RT OS.  If you want access to the FPGA then you'll need FPGA Module.




Ben Johnson
Message 11 of 12



This is regarding Programming compactRIO with plain c/c++

I want to remove the LABview dependency to program cRIO and use plain c/c++ to configure cRIO 
(I don’t have much experience working on cRIO), I think following are avilable methods to achieve this - 

  1. Wind river workbench and c/c++ - Method_1
  2. Use c/c++ with eclipse IDE to program cRIO -Merthod_2
  3. Use MATLAB -Method_3
  4. VxWorks - Method_4

(Please note that we are using the cRIO control system without fpga)

Will you  please help me in understanding a correct methodology to achieve this requirement
I am looking to your suggestions

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 12