08-27-2009 03:57 PM
trying to build a generic PCB tester and would like to be able to route DIO and AIO to various pins on a target board. can we take the output of the NI PXI rack DIO/AIO cards and feed them through a crosspoint multiplexer such as the PXI-2534 to random pins of our target PCB?
08-28-2009 07:09 PM
Dan King
08-31-2009 08:59 AM
Thanks...so I understand that I can map various I/O through the crosspoint switch module.
My next question is: How do I get the I/O from the NI DIO/AIO cards to the crosspoint switch module? Are there connectors at the front panel of the crosspoint switch modules to bring I/O in from the NI DIO/AIO modules and back out to a target device?
09-01-2009 08:55 AM
Dan King