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can I map PXI I/O to an external target board via a crosspoint switch module?

trying to build a generic PCB tester and would like to be able to route DIO and AIO to various pins on a target board.  can we take the output of the NI PXI rack DIO/AIO cards and feed them through a crosspoint multiplexer such as the PXI-2534 to random pins of our target PCB?





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4
Hello John,

You can connect any row to any column of the PXI-2534. One thing to note is that if you connect multiple rows to the same column you will also be connecting the two rows together (along with any columns they are already connected too). For that reason I would recommend Switch Executive to prevent these types of problems and to maximize you channel usage.

Dan King

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Thanks...so I understand that I can map various I/O through the crosspoint switch module.

My next question is: How do I get the I/O from the NI DIO/AIO cards to the crosspoint switch module?  Are there connectors at the front panel of the crosspoint switch modules to bring I/O in from the NI DIO/AIO modules and back out to a target device?



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4
Hello John,

You will need to either use a group of terminal blocks connected to each individual device or cable all of your devices to a custom terminal block. For information about connecting signals to the PXI-2534 reference the Developer Zone Tutorial: How to Connect Signals to the NI PXI-2534.

Dan King

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Message 4 of 4