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Simulated PXIe-4535 bad sample results

1. Define a Simulated Device - PXIe-4535 in MAX.

2. Open "Test Panel"

3. Use the default parameters of the test:

  a. Measurement type - thermocouple

  b. Max Input Limit - 100

  c. Min Input Limit - 0

  d. Units - Deg C

  e. Thermocouple type - J

  f. CJC Source - Built In

4. Click Start.


The result is Sin Wave.

The sample values range ~[-1030,-74.7], out of the Max/Min Limits.

=> BAD sample results, values lower than -273 C ?!?!?!?!


If I change the Max/Min Limits to other valid range like [-200,1200]

The sample values range is BAD

And, the result is some kind of Non-Sin Wave


If I change the Measurement type to Voltage.

The sample values range is based on the Max/Min Limits.

=> So it is OK



I check with other Simulated Device - PXIe-4303.

The sample values range is based on the Max/Min Limits.

=> So it is OK


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Message 1 of 4

Hi Razzik,


I looked for the PXIe 4535 and I think you meant 4353. And this is an expected behavior. Since this is an input module and is a simulated device, there is a generated signal just to simulate and measure a defult value. the module is not acutally reading real data since there is no input. 


I did what you said and had the same result, as expected.

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Message 2 of 4



1st you are right...it was PXIe-4353  Tnx 🙂



It is expected to be a Sin Wave as a simulation of an input.

But it is not expected to have a Bad value range.


The RANGE is the main problem.


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Message 3 of 4





We really appreciate your concern and feedback. NI really takes value on you feedback, I would like you to share this Idea with R&D, who monitors closely this forum. This will help us improve our software on the next versions.


Have a great day! 😄 

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Message 4 of 4