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NI VeriStand Add-Ons Discussions

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VeriStand Steps for TestStand Feedback


This is the VI I discussed in another thread.  It shows how the .NET API is wrapped in LabVIEW.  This is an example of me wrapping it for easy calling in TestStand.  If I wanted to add any custom logic to the runtime behavior, I could add it in this VI.

Does this help?



0 Kudos
Message 11 of 292


I've seen that VI on the VS palette before, but I guess I've been too buried in .NET to have remembered it. I may end up using this to reduce or eliminate the sub-sequences I'm using, but I'm also installing the 2014 DS2 Dev Suite on one of my machines as I type this, and plan to install the 2014 version of the VS Custom Steps as soon as possible.

I'm trying to avoid getting into a situation where I use VIs for all of the programmatic sequence generation, because I'm afraid I'll get 90% of the way there and find out that there are a few functions for which I don't have VIs. The Start Veristand step is a perfect example of this problem, and that's why I've been trying to just stick with using the Custom Steps in the sequence generation code.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 292

Actually the proper way to invoke NIVS executable is to read the location from registry. F.e. for NIVS 2013SP1 it is here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\VeriStand\2013\InstallDir


0 Kudos
Message 13 of 292


You're right about that.  I'll add that to the update list for the next revision.


0 Kudos
Message 14 of 292


This example shows how use the TestStand API to add pre-made steps into a sequence file.  When I get time I want to rework it - among the changes, I would do a few things to simplify the interface as well as expose more options, like:

  • change the Step Type input string to an enum of the step type
  • In the cluster, add an additional array (of clusters) of name/value pairs.  Then have the code handle them like an address and value, and add them as step parameters.  For example, "Step.Extras.Awesome" paired with "True" , if I had a step type that took those arguments.  Then it would look up the Step.Extras.Awesome, and set it to True.  That way the steps aren't just added, but can be configured to a particular state, too.


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 292

Hi Andrew.

This is Eisuke, An AE at NIJ.

Our customer in Japan is using this add on.

He is requesting explanation on following steps.

Could you explain or introduce available documentation?

1 Silent Connect

2 Silent Disconnect

3 Stop Silent Gateway

Also, he can not select On Fail Action at Deploy Project.

Is there any limitataion?

Also if there is documentation about every steps, please let me know.

I really appreciate it.


Eisuke Ono


0 Kudos
Message 16 of 292



The first two steps just call into the VeriStand API.  For example, if I look at the TestStand substeps, this is the Connect step:


And this is the Silent Connect step:

silent connect.png

They make different calls, so the Connect step shows a dialog.  The Silent Connect step does not show a dialog.

Both of these steps are unnecessary if you use the Initialize VeriStand and Stop VeriStand steps.  They call many functions and do everything necessary to start VeriStand, deploy a project, connect to it, and open the Workspace.  Initalize VeriStand and Stop VeriStand are the recommended way of using these steps:



The Stop Silent Gateway applies in only one use case.  If you choose not to use the Initialize VeriStand step and use the Start VeriStand step instead, AND you select the "Silent" property to True, it launches VeriStand in a special thread from the dll.  The Stop Silent Gateway step shuts down that silently launched VeriStand.  It does nothing in any other scenario.

silent start.png

I realized I have documentation that I did not post.  I will post it to the steps community page.

I hope this helps.



0 Kudos
Message 17 of 292

Hi Andrew.

Thank you for your kind support.

Very clear to me.

I have one more questions.

>>Also, he can not select On Fail Action at Deploy Project.

My understanding is this is not "test step" so it does not return pass or fail, is my understanding correct?

I really appreciate if you share the documents.

Best regards.


0 Kudos
Message 18 of 292


That is correct.  That is one of the reasons why it is recommended to use the other steps. 

It can be configured to have the same functionality.  If you select to use a Custom Condition, you can enter:

!( Step.Result.Error.Occurred)

which will look at the Error boolean and NOT it.

post actions.png



0 Kudos
Message 19 of 292

HI Andrew.

Thank you for your kind support.

also sorry for the delay in response.

Our customer has additional questions on this.

Our customer would like to make veristand stimulus profile run from teststand.

He was able to run it.

However, he could not get the results of real time sequence for veristand.

Actually he is now able to get data by using variable on real time sequence and read it from teststand.

However the customer says it is a bit time-consuming to define variable.

Is there any way to do it easily?

The custom condition seems to be related issue, however, not sure for it.

Our customer's aim is to test DUT using various stimulus profile and run it as a sequence.(Testing Automatio Application).

Sorry that I made a lot of questions, please let me know if you have questions.

Best regards.

Eisuke Ono


0 Kudos
Message 20 of 292