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Teststand and Labview cannot load same VI while using the teststand execution only license.

I had exactly the same problem. Warren pointed me the way but just to make it clear this is how to do it (BTW this is LabVIEW 2015 if it makes any difference):

1. Open the build specification properties in the project file.

2. Select "Source File Settings".

3. The top-level folder in the "Project Files" browser is selected by default but you can select a lower level if you want or even an individual VI file.

4. At the bottom right is an "Apply prefix to all contained items" checkbox (it becomes "Rename this file in the build" if a single VI is selected). Tick it and put some prefix like EXE_ in the accompanying text entry field, or if you are renaming a single file.

If you apply the prefix to the entire project it makes build a lot slower, possibly because it has to locate all the VI calls and rename them as well?

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 12

This error is completely unrelated to licensing. This has to do with How TestStand interacts with LabVIEW Application instances.


If you do not reference a LabVIEW project in your TestStand step, you will be calling your VI in the Main Application instance. This is why when you switch over from the Sequence Editor to a LabVIEW Operator interface as a built exe, you see this error. Now, I suspect you will not see this error in the LabVIEW ADE because you are running the OI from a project. This will run your OI VIs in the project context and your TestStand VIs in the Main Application Instance. If you ever want to see what project context you aare executing a VI in, refer to the lower left hand side of the VI:



A VI executing in the Main Application Instance will not have anything in this location. 


There are a few ways to resolve this problem:

  • Call your LabVIEW steps with a LabVIEW project
  • Build your VIs into a Packed Project Library (packed project libraries have their own Instance)
  • Rename the VIs

We have a Knowledge Base article that describes how to troubleshoot situations where you cannot load a VI in the LabVIEW RTE in TestStand.

Kurt P
Automated Test Software R&D
Message 12 of 12