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TestStand configuration files and process models


Some final questions for TestStand team before buying this product :

1. Is it possible to store TestStand configuration files (station globals, user profiles, etc.) in user-defined place (possibly on the Intranet) to use them from multiple test-stations instead of copying them to every PC ?

2. Is it possible in some way to "connect" modifyed process model to sequence file, so operator don't have to remember to load different model everytime for different tests (theese process models can be very different, so there have to be no mistake)

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Message 1 of 5
1. You can specify the location of the users file in Configure>>Station Options>>User Manager. You can't configure the location of the globals file, but sharing the globals file would cause problems, so it is good that you can't 🙂 If you have code that depends on the existence of a global and you don't necessarily control the contents of the globals file, a good practice is to create the global programmatically if it doesn't already exist.

2. Yes. Use the Sequence File Properties>>Advanced>>Model Option control.
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Message 2 of 5
"Roman Malytskyy" wrote in message
> Hello,
> Some final questions for TestStand team before buying this product :
> 1. Is it possible to store TestStand configuration files (station
> globals, user profiles, etc.) in user-defined place (possibly on the
> Intranet) to use them from multiple test-stations instead of copying
> them to every PC ?

Yes. You can specify process model files stored in locations other than the
....\TestStand\Components\User\... folder hierarchy.

> 2. Is it possible in some way to "connect" modifyed process model to
> sequence file, so operator don't have to remember to load different
> model everytime for different tests (theese process models can be very
different, so there have to be no mistake)

Yes. Each sequence file has a property (select Edit -> Sequence File
Properties -> Advanced) that allows you to specify the exact model each
sequence file uses, if you don't want it to use the default station model.

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Message 3 of 5
Does anyone have examples of how to programmatically create station globals? I'd like to have something in each sequence file that creates required station globals before the sequence runs, probably in the SequenceFileLoad callback. The required variables would be created as locals in the callback. Then some code would iterate through the locals, and create StationGlobal versions of any variables that don't already exist. This approach would make maintenance easy, just add a local anytime a new station global is required. The code to do this might be ActiveX steps in TestStand, or could also be implemented in Labview or CVI.
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Message 4 of 5
Hi Mark,
the simplest solution is to do (in the case of say a number) an ActiveX step of SetValNumber of the class property object, passing in the reference to StationGlobals as the ActiveX ref, and "name" for the lookup string of the numeric you want to create (i.e. will create - and finally, the options setting, set this to a 1 (Insert if missing).
Of course you also need to give it a value.
This will update the StationGlobals, and if you look at the StationGlobals from the sequence editor, it will show a * in the title bar, indicating that it has changed (and needs saving)

Hope that helps

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Message 5 of 5