Thank you for the reply. I am relatively new to test stand.
So, I would need to create a for loop in the Setup to run the function "Setup SQLite Database FileName" the same number of times that is equal to the number of sockets that I have which is 4?
Would I need to change any of my expression:
Locals.SQLitePath = "[" + #NoValidation(Mid(Parameters.ProcessModelClientPath, Find(Parameters.ProcessModelClientPath, "\\", 0, False, True) + 1)) +"][" + Date() + "][" + Time() + "]["
+ Parameters.UUT.SerialNumber + "]["
+ RunState.Sequence.Parameters.UUT.BatchSerialNumber + "].db",
Locals.SQLitePath = SearchAndReplace(Locals.SQLitePath,"/", " "),
Locals.SQLitePath = SearchAndReplace(Locals.SQLitePath,":", " "),
Locals.SQLitePath = Parameters.ModelPlugin.PluginSpecific.Options.SQLite_ResultsDirectory + Locals.SQLitePath,
Parameters.ModelPlugin.PluginSpecific.RuntimeVariables.PerSocket[RunState.TestSockets.MyIndex].SQLite_ReportPath = Locals.SQLitePath