05-23-2024 10:03 AM
Yes, we are working on it. A future release of TestStand will support .NET 8.
Anand Jain
05-24-2024 04:23 AM
@Anand_Jain. That is good news. Thanks for the update.
05-29-2024 12:01 AM
I received this update following the recent NI Connect event, so am assuming that this information was provided there. Looks like TestStand support for .NET 8 is coming later in 2024/2025. However, there are other things on my wish list there, such as support for Git. It is encouraging to see NI looking to provide more cross platform support in the future. The stumbling block for us is the lack of IVI Shared library support for .NET 8. I have an outstanding question with the IVI foundation as to whether this is on their roadmap.
05-30-2024 01:50 AM
Hi all,
I see "Modern Operator Interface" in the road map. Does someone know what it is?
Does it WPF interface connected to RPC server?
Because I'm developing a new OI interface (with legacy API). Maybe, I should wait for that ...
06-26-2024 03:02 AM
Do we have a date for the release, or better, do we have somewhere a preview/rc/beta version?
06-26-2024 08:17 AM
Considering all the talk about LabVIEW 2024Q3, I would expect a release in quarter 3, which starts in 5 days (July, August, September). This is my personal speculation.