09-04-2024 11:59 AM
The specifics
Windows 10 enterprise
Old code
Teststand 4.2, Labview 2010
Teststand 2021 SP1, Labview 2022
I have inherited old code (as above) and our Win7 machines are dying the death of a thousand cuts. I am trying to migrate that code to the new NI layout on Windows 10 machines. Moving the vi's are relatively simple as I hunt down SDK changes and what not.
Teststand is different. So far I can run individual sequences, some with errors, but I get this error when I run the full "Test UUTs".
The process model you are using is calling a legacy sequence in ModelSupport.seq that is no longer used.
Refer to the National Instruments website at ni.com/info and enter the Info Code 'extuuk' to access the National Instruments
KnowledgeBase article 'How Can I Use a Custom Process Model from TestStand 2010 or Earlier in TestStand 2012?' for more information about this issue.
BTW, 'extuuk' doesn't work anymore, it isn't found.
I am not even sure what that means... I see PreUUT and PostUUT sequences which I assume are run from the "Test UUT" execution, and the compiled projects.
Looking at the Migrating to the Current Version of Teststand I see:
Migrating From TestStand 4.0.1 or earlier
Migrating From TestStand 4.1 to 4.2.1
Migrating from TestStand 2010 tor 2010 SP1
Migrating from TestStand 2012 or Later
I am none of those, I am in between the second and third option.
As per the original error, how do I find out specifically what sequence is not used anymore? Or even where it is? I no longer have access to the original programmers, who were clearly "black belt" developers and I only learned this environment about a month ago. Trial by fire.
I have gone through many of the Labview and Teststand training videos and taken a class on the environment. I am not sure where to start with this problem and what is likely a custom process model created by the prior developers.
Any help appreciated.
Be well,
09-05-2024 12:07 AM
Congrats 😉
I never had to go this far back, so I can just give you some basic advice:
- in 2012, there was a major overhaul of the Process Models IIRC introducing also Process Model Plugins
- based on this, I recommend to check your Client Sequence Files for any ProcessModel Callbacks being used
- There are definitely changes with the data structures being set up in the process models
Having said this: thise migration guidelines might not exactly match your case, yet they are a good guideline to get started!