04-10-2007 04:45 AM
04-10-2007 12:39 PM
04-10-2007 10:18 PM
I made a custome schema for my use. Is it possible to put conditional data in Expression part of Column/parameters in database options?
I tried but it didn't work. I am attaching my mode with teststanddatabaseoption.ini file.
Let me know what could be done?
04-11-2007 07:16 AM
Hi Vishal,
Have you tried switching the high and low limits in the schema, or is this solution too general? I have attached a screenshot.
I don't believe you can put logical expressions in the Expression field for the column.
04-11-2007 09:38 AM
You could change the schema as bce is suggesting, the only problem that I see is that the HIGH_LIMIT column will always contain information corresponding to the low limit property and viceversa, even for the steps configured to use both limits (GELE,GELT, etc).
I think that this change would be confusing.
I would like to know what is your motivation to change this?
1) If you want the step to use the high limit instead of the low limit for the comparison types that only require a limit, you will have to create your own custom step type.
2) If you want to change the way the data is stored in the database you could create a new table and store the properties as you want.
04-11-2007 10:38 PM
Thanks for the reply.
I tried the way bce suggested , but it is not the way I wanted.
I want store the data in the database different way for LT and LE type of comparision. Specific to in this two condition, limits are stored as Low_Limit though they are actually higher limits. So I just want to store for this two conditions limit data in the High_Limit column instead of Low_Limit column.
04-12-2007 11:02 AM
Hi Vishal,
You will probably need to create a custom schema where you log to different tables for the different types of tests.
04-12-2007 02:04 PM
I found a way to accomplish what you want:
1. Go to Configure->Database Options.
2. Go to the Schemas tab and make a copy of the Generic Record Set. (Duplicate it).
3. Select the new schema.
4. Go to the statements tab.
5. Select rthe STEP_NUMERICLIMIT statement.
6. Go to the Columns/Parameters tab.
7. Select HIGH_LIMIT.
8. Enter 'Logging.StepResult.Comp' as the expected properties.
The original configuration uses 'Logging.StepResult.Limits.High' as the expected property.
It means that the property must be present in order to lod data to the column.
When we use a property that only uses the low limit the 'Logging.StepResult.Limits.High' property is not present. In order to log data even when the property is not there we need to get rid of this 'filter'.
9. Enter 'Logging.DatabaseOptions.IncludeLimits && (Logging.StepResult.Comp == "LT" || Logging.StepResult.Comp == "LE") ? PropertyExists("Logging.StepResult.Limits.Low") : PropertyExists("Logging.StepResult.Limits.High")' as the precondition.
We are indicating that we want to log data into that column if we select to include limits and the 'Logging.StepResul.Limits.High' property exist or the comparison type is LT or LE and the Logging.StepResult.Limits.Low property exist.
10. Enter '(Logging.StepResult.Comp == "LT" || Logging.StepResult.Comp == "LE") ?Logging.StepResult.Limits.Low : Logging.StepResult.Limits.High' as the Expression. This exprssion evaluates to 'Logging.StepResult.Limits.Low' if the comparsion type is LT or LE and evaluates to 'Logging.StepResult.Limits.High' with any other comparion type.
11. Now select the LOW_LIMIT column.
12. Enter 'Logging.DatabaseOptions.IncludeLimits && !(Logging.StepResult.Comp == "LT" || Logging.StepResult.Comp == "LE")' as the precondition. This precondiction prevents data to be logged into the low limit column if the comparison type is LT or LE.
13 Click OK in order to close the database options dialog.
14.Execute your sequence using single pass and verify you get the expected results.
Hope it helps
Antonio Lie.
04-12-2007 10:47 PM
Hi Antonio
Thanks for the reply!
There is a small change in your suggestion to make it work for me :-).
Changes I did : (your suggestion in Blue, my changes in Green)
Logging.StepResult.Comp -> Logging.StepResultProperty.Comp
Logging.StepResult.Limits.Low -> Logging.StepResultProperty.Limits.LowLogging.StepResult.Limits.High -> Logging.StepResultProperty.Limits.High
In general, I write StepResultProperty instead of StepResult.
04-13-2007 02:16 AM
Hi Antonio,
Is it possible to store symbol (e.g. > or < or >= ) instead of Comparator name (e.g. GT or LT or GTGE)?