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Custom UIMessage using batch model

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I have some difficulties trying to use the UIMessages in batchmodel, but at first let me explain my situation:

I am using a PXI to test 6 UUTs, knowing that, I wanto to use the batch model in teststand and send data infomation to the custom User Interface using UIMessages, I pretend to show data in 6 different graphs(one for heach UUT), I have a VI that atquires the DUT Voltage, Current, temperature, etc. What  I am doing is to use the RunState.TestSockets.MyIndex in my VI's to obtain the current index and select the apropiated switch chanel depending of that(no problems so far), actually at this point I am able to send the DUT voltage or other data thoriugh a UIMessage. BUT my problem is that, I am not able to send the actual SocketIndex in the same UIMessage with the DUT voltage and then in that way my UserMessage Event Callback can differentiate the test data with its associated SocketIndex and update the different graphs or custom indicators.

I am not sure if my explanation is clear, but I would appreciate any support in this post, thank you.


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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Eder22

You don't need to pass it.  You can access it through your Thread.  See the attached.

~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~
Message 2 of 3

Thank you for your help, now it is working as I was looking for 😃

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