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Creat Matrix and  make a counter

hello everybody

I  work on a test bench that allows to test radio modules, I would like to add an option that is: ask the user to put a "Golden" module that verifies the validation of the bench every 5 days, the idea is to Make a matrix because it has 8 slot and putting the remaining time to ask for the golden.


- Thé best way tô do: * Creat a file .ini or creat array 2D in teststand?  

-How could I create a time counter?


i accept other idea !


thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12


I think the best option would be to store the Date that the last validation was run in a Station Global, this is kinda what those variables are for. It will hold that value until you next update it. You can then call the current date and compare it to determine how long left you have until you need to validate again.



Systems Engineer

Certified TestStand Architect Certified LabVIEW Architect

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Message 2 of 12

thank you! 

This is what I wanted to do, I intend to use the seconds () function.

I have another question! please.

I want to store its date in ini / xml files, but I'm afraid of the ini files in the multithreaded system

You advise me what?



Nico011 a écrit :


I think the best option would be to store the Date that the last validation was run in a Station Global, this is kinda what those variables are for. It will hold that value until you next update it. You can then call the current date and compare it to determine how long left you have until you need to validate again.




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Message 3 of 12

What is your concern with the files?


If you are using the batch process model, there is functionality to force only a single thread to run a step. This would ensure that the file is only dealt with a single time.


Is that what you were asking?



Systems Engineer

Certified TestStand Architect Certified LabVIEW Architect

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Message 4 of 12

Thank you Nico011

No, not really, I hesitate between the file ini or XML? You advised me what?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

Ahhh. Well, the ini file is nicer to handle programatically, within any coding language. The XML is nice if you want users to view the data in some customised presentation.


If you only want a place to store it, an ini file would work fine. As a note, the Station Globals are stored in an ini file as well (Station Globals.ini).



Systems Engineer

Certified TestStand Architect Certified LabVIEW Architect

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Message 6 of 12