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Installing patches

Is there a recommended way to install security patches to a unit that is in the field?

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Message 1 of 4

I think it matters greatly what you mean when you say "in the field", specifically regarding what sort of connectivity is available to the target.

Is there some particular vulnerability that you're thinking of, or just looking for general guidance?

In either case, know that we're working on ways to improve this.

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Message 2 of 4

I'm thinking of general installing patches.

When I say in the field I mean a cRIO that can either be connected to the network or at least have a USB drive connected with a patch on it. But if possible this is performed by someone who isn't familiar with Linux or the root file system.

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Message 3 of 4

LJHerskowitz, thanks for clarification. A solution we're working on will address the network-connected situation directly, and with a bit of work can be made to work with the USB update approach. Obviously, some of the updates critical for a network-connected target are a little less pressing for something that's off the grid, so to speak, but still warrant some consideration.

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Message 4 of 4