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From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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09-21-2008 12:46 PM
good morning, i got an ideal from my lecturer to do my final year project in brainwave analysis.
i would like to use labview as my interface, i would like to know which type of the DAQ i should use?
i need to make out a proposal including the budget that i need in this project. so is really needed by me to know bout it.
i hope to get some comment bout my project title "brainwave analysis" from all of u.
09-23-2008 04:10 AM
Hello Kannajin,
To measure brain wave signal, you would need to have EEG sensor. The DAQ system that you need would includes signal conditioning as the EEG Sensor's output is in the mV region.
On top of the signal conditioning module, the data acquisition for EEG signal can range from 256Hz to 10Khz for each point (Wikipedia), dependent on how fast you would like to sample the signal from the EEG. Based on this information, I believe that USB 6255 would be a possible solution for you as it provides you with 80 AI channel with acquisition speed up to 750KS/s (agregate). It also allow you to measure in the range of -100mV..100mV range. It would allow you to measure signal with sensitivity of 6nV.
Please let me know if you plan to have more than 80 channels or if you have additional information regarding the electrode that you are going to use to get the EEG signal.
James - NI Application Engineer, ASEAN
09-23-2008 12:08 PM
thanks for the information, it really useful for me, i did some research on the brain wave rhythm.
and i also check the price for the USB 6255, the cost is too heavy for me. if change to malaysia ringgit it cost around RM 9,400 above.
do u have any other type? USB 6009 able to be use ?
actually i got interest to do project using labview, but there always short of instrument for experiment!
09-24-2008 07:54 PM
Hello Kannajin,
I wouldn't recommend you to use 6009 for the EEG measurement since it's measurement range is -1..1V with accuracy of 37.5mV. USB 6009 also only have 4 channels of AI where EEG measurement commonly uses more than 4 channels.
Since USB 6255 is too costly, we can reduce down the measurement capability of the system through reducing channel or the resolution of the ADC of the DAQ system or even changing the system from a USB to PCI card format.
Please let me know the number of channel that you will be required for your experiment and if you can provide me with budget that you are looking at, I may be able to propose something for your system.
James G
Application Engineer, ASEAN
09-26-2008 09:44 AM
for your informattion, my lecture would like me to just make about 8 channel because the fund there is not much.
if there possible for us use braine wave to read something that we wan to say;
mean we detect the signal when we think wat we wanna to say out, just like we talk using the brain wave.
can u give me suggestion which type of the EEG electrode can be use.
i also foudn some infor to make own electrode.
09-29-2008 04:06 AM