i want to develop a programm using ni-9215(USB) with Visual Basic or Delphi(6.0). I noticed that, the usb drivers for this device(usb carrier 9161) just work over "NI-DAQmx Base" and not "NI-DAQmx".
The example i found with visual basic, used "nidaqmx.tlb" to reach the desired function for NI-DAQmx. But after installation of newest NI-DAQmx (8.1) and NI-DAQmxBase(1.4). i could not found such a file for "NI-DAQmx base" even "nidaqmxbase.tlb", but just "nidaqmxbase.dll".
Is it mean that NI-9215 is not supported unter visual basic? or is there another way to access this device?
I tried to import the typlibrary "nidaqmx.tlb" and realised that no functions are importetd in the generated "NIDAQmxCAPI_TLB.pas". But just type-Definations and enums.
So even if such a file "nidaqmxbase.tlb" exists, it will work mit Visual Basic but not Delphi?
I know that NI does not support directly Delphi, but i was told that it will be possibility to work with Delphi too.
thanks in advance